文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

blockheads who don't know that they are third-rate scholars and don't realize that they are traitors

2021年10月17日 10時17分08秒 | 全般

I used to listen to this show every day, and two songs had the most significant impact on me. It is the chapter that I sent out on October 06, 2020, titled.
NHK's watch9 is not only unpleasant to watch while watching it, but it often makes me feel unforgivably angry.
It's not good for my health, so I rarely watch it anymore.
When I do, it's only for the sports results.
Today, I was planning to spend the evening watching the MLB playoffs, which I had recorded, or relax and watch TV.
At 9:00 p.m., I thought I'd watch a movie, so I looked at the satellite TV program list and saw "The Wind Rises."
It starred Tomokazu Miura and Momoe Yamaguchi and was written by Tatsuo Hori.
Usually, I rarely watch Japanese movies, but I thought I'd give it a try.
There are two reasons.
One was that I had read the original story when I was in junior high school. The other was that when I was in a close relationship with someone quite famous at the Dentsu head office, I was surprised to see Momoe Yamaguchi, who had not appeared in public at all since her marriage, at the bar of the Nikko Hotel in Shinsaibashi.
This bar was one of my favorite bars at the time.
My friend was acquainted with her, and he recognized her and bailed.
I looked at her and was surprised to see that she was much prettier and had a much better vibe than what I saw on TV.
I was also surprised because I recognized her the moment I saw her on the screen.
The film was well made and well paid, including the screen composition.
Furthermore, the hats and uniforms of the students in the film looked just like those of my alma mater.
In addition, they were wearing geta.
They probably had a hand towel hanging from their waist.
When I started watching it, I thought I had forgotten the content entirely, but I remembered the poems perfectly by Rimbaud and Verlaine being read in the hospital room.
Perhaps it was the influence of "The Wind Rises," which I read in junior high school, that made me start subscribing to their poetry collections and buy almost all of Shinchosha's World Poets Collection.
Back in the days of vinyl records and FM broadcasting, FM Osaka had a program called "Beat on Plaza," which played new LPs of popular Western music in their entirety.
I used to listen to it every day, and two songs had the most significant impact on me.
No Woman No Cry" by Bob Marley and "Guiding Light" by Television.
Television had a short-lived life as a band, but they have made a considerable contribution to the American music scene. 
The lead vocalist, Tom Verlaine, was a fan of Verlaine, and his stage name was an English reading of Verlaine.
It's no wonder I was so shocked.
In other words, Verlaine has appeared in the modern age in the form of an American rock band.
That was the meaning of "Guiding Light" by Television to me.
A family misfortune that was not peaceful.
When I was preparing for my exams, I encountered a fight between my second brother and my father at the most critical time.
For the first time, I realized that the reason for my family's lack of peace was that my father was from "this world of suffering." 
But it didn't matter now. 
What mattered was that it mortgaged the house.
I was utterly flabbergasted.
A house is a roost for a child who cannot yet survive on his own, just like the birds that return to their nests at dusk. 
From that day on, it forced my life to go sideways.
I started my life in the exact opposite direction of what my teachers expected of me: "You have to stay at Kyoto University and carry that university on your shoulders."
But what I have proven with my life may come as a shock, especially to the American people.
Getting a college degree is not the end-all, be-all of life.
After all, most universities, except national universities such as Kyoto University and Tokyo University, are not even worthy of being called universities.
Mr. Nobuyuki Kaji, who studied at Kyoto University and became a master of Chinese literature at Osaka University, once wrote a brilliant paper on the reality of academic achievement, the folly of wasting four years of university education, and the solution to this problem.
It is why there is no end to the number of criminals who have graduated from universities.
Many great people have started great companies with only elementary school education, let alone a college degree.
If I had been a person who made a living from speech, I would have written a shocking book titled "Anyone Can Be So-Called Successful Without Going to College," which would have become a huge bestseller.
It was evident from last night's news, for example, that Japanese TV news programs such as NHK's watch9 are a waste of time to watch.
Who the hell does the Science Council of Japan think they are?
The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDP) should not be using this kind of nonsense to attack the regime at a time when there is not a moment to spare or a moment to let down one's guard in dealing with China.
What is it with Asahi, NHK, and other mass media working with CDP to launch an attack on the regime?
It's evident that CDP, Asahi, NHK, and other mass media are under the manipulation of China and the Korean peninsula, and that's why they want to attack the regime to distract attention from the state of China and neglect measures against China.
The so-called scholars who control the Science Council of Japan are blockheads who don't know that they are third-rate scholars and don't realize that they are traitors.
The media such as Asahi and NHK are so stupid that it is hard to tell that the Suga Cabinet cannot even imitate the country's stupidity paying substantial research funds.
Tatsuru Uchida, a third-rate scholar who works for the Asahi Shimbun, once said that the Asahi Shimbun is like a kindergartener compared to the high-end newspapers in Europe and the U.S., probably to boost his prestige, but he was right.
This article continues.


