文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost!but with amateurs who know nothing about nuclear power or terrorism as its members

2024年08月06日 19時38分57秒 | 全般

Misfortunes have been compounded at TEPCO Fukushima...Naoto Kan has created a new Japanese version of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, but with amateurs who know nothing about nuclear power or terrorism as its members.
August 5, 2021
The following is from Masayuki Takayama's column in the latter part of today's issue of Shukan Shincho.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
This article also proves that he most deserves the Nobel Prize for Literature or the Peace Prize.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but for people all over the world.

The Nine Power Companies Self-Defense Forces
Bin Laden had the terrorists hijack four commercial airliners. 
Two of the planes were rammed into the World Trade Center building in New York City and the third into the Pentagon in Washington, DC. 
The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was hijacked by the executioners and made a U-turn but crashed en route. 
Where was this plane aimed?
Based on the plane's nose direction, some people thought it was the White House in Washington, D.C. 
If so, the target would be three stories high and 21 meters high.
The perpetrator had only piloted light aircraft, and the target was too small for a 115-ton plane to crash into.
It was too big and easy to hit. 
The target was too small to drive a 115-ton aircraft into it and thus inflict enormous damage on American society.
After assessing the target from this perspective, the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, located 40 kilometers from New York City on the Hudson River, emerged as a possible target. 
It has three reactors. 
What would happen if a 115-ton airliner crashed into it?
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) built a mock-up and tested an F4 phantom. 
The reactor containment vessel was intact, with only minor damage to the building.
However, the impact of the ramming and the fire damage were significant. 
The impact cracked the bottom of the nuclear fuel pool on the side of the reactor, and all power was lost. 
Because cooling water was not circulating, the reactor began to run out of control, and the nuclear fuel rods in the dried-up pool were found to be burning at high temperatures. 
If this scenario is correct, 44,000 people will die in the initial stages, and 500,000 people will be killed within an 80-kilometer radius. 
In other words, if the number 4 plane had crashed into this area, the entire Manhattan area would have become a city of death. 
In 2005, the NRC issued a remedial order requiring each nuclear power plant to install multiple, robust backup power sources. 
The U.S. government also created the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which, in cooperation with the FBI and the Department of Defense, has taken steps ranging from surveillance of suspicious foreigners to thoroughly protecting nuclear facilities.
It was also decided that any hijacked commercial aircraft would be shot down without hesitation. 
The improvement order was sent to GE, but TEPCO, which had installed GE-made light water reactors, was not informed. 
If they had been informed, the loss of power supply in the tsunami of March 11, 2011, would have been avoided even six years later.
The accident was an artificial disaster brought about by an irresponsible U.S. company. 
Misfortune befell TEPCO Fukushima.
Naoto Kan has created a new Japanese version of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, but with amateurs who know nothing about nuclear power or terrorism as its members. 
For some reason, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission teamed up with the Earthquake Research Institute and the University of Tokyo to demand earthquake and tsunami countermeasures.
They built a meaningless Great Wall around the plant. 
The anti-terrorism measures were based on the assumption that a 200-ton airliner, which is more than the U.S. had assumed, would enter the plant. 
They demanded that the buildings be reinforced to withstand such an attack. 
If that were to happen, the impact and fire would be enormous. 
If the administration building caught fire, the cooling water intake pipes would be destroyed. 
That is why we had a 50,000-ton water reservoir and an underground control room built 100 meters underground. 
It also ordered them to respond to a possible terrorist attack from the ground.
The other day, the Regulatory Commission punished TEPCO Kashiwazaki for its "inadequate" anti-terrorism measures, but that should be the responsibility of the national government. 
Terrorist planes should be shot down by Self-Defense Force aircraft.
The Ground Self-Defense Force should crush ground attacks. 
However, the Regulatory Commission says that the nuclear power plant must bear the burden of protecting itself. 
The total cost of the senseless Great Wall construction and terrorist alerts amounted to several hundred billion yen per unit. 
As a result, the cost of nuclear power is limitless.
According to a recent METI calculation, nuclear power plants are more expensive than solar panels. 
In the past, nuclear power cost less than 5 yen per kilowatt in real terms.
The nuclear power plants provided a stable supply of cheap electricity to factories all over Japan, and the nuclear power castle towns could indulge in their greed as much as they wanted. 
TEPCO funded all of the municipalities around TEPCO Fukushima.
Thousands of millionaires were born as a result of TEPCO's employment. 
Even after the accident, TEPCO's spending continues, and disaster victims are being born all over the place.
Yet nuclear power plants were still able to provide a stable and inexpensive supply, and the Regulatory Commission finally shut them down. 
At this point, the government should station Self-Defense Forces troops with anti-aircraft missiles at each nuclear power plant to make it possible to supply cheap electricity.

2024/7/30 in Onomichi



