文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Was Chosun the cultural country that the communists have been glorifying?

2021年06月17日 16時01分18秒 | 全般

If you're in the U.S., you're a bunch of Democrat supporters like a bunch of pseudo-moralists.
The chapter that I sent out on 2021-01-23 titled "All officials in Korea routinely loot, and Koreans are not attracted to hard work because deprivation has become like the law of the land" is now in the top 10 real-time on goo.
It is a beautiful chapter that deserves to be re-read by the Japanese people and by people worldwide.
A friend of mine, who is a prolific reader, always says, "There is nothing cheaper than a book.
When I saw the following chapters in the book, I realized, "Indeed.
Fed up with Lee Myung-bak's words and actions in the last days of his administration, I searched the Internet for the first time, wondering what kind of country Korea is and what the hell Koreans are.
As I have already mentioned, I understood everything about the Korean Peninsula in an hour.
However, only a few Westerners on the Internet described the truth about the Korean peninsula, such as Isabella Bird, whom I had never heard of before.
The author, a former colonel in the Korean army who has survived countless attacks and abuses, discloses the truth hidden from the Internet by the Koreans.
This chapter alone was worth far more than the price of 1,800 yen.
China and South Korea (mainly the Koreans) are countries of unfathomable evil and outright lies. In Japan, the Asahi Shimbun and its sympathizers, if you're in the U.S., you're a bunch of Democrat supporters like a bunch of pseudo- moralists, etc., will not tolerate the existence of anyone who disagrees with them.
They immediately try to remove them from the Internet.
It is evident in their recent responses to Trump on Twitter and Facebook.
The funny thing about these social networking sites is that they suspend the president's account while leaving the fanatics above and countless other evil people nesting on the Internet alone.
It's the ultimate in ostensibly for somebody's good.
The other night, the female host of Nikkei News 10 (I feel she is under Chinese manipulation) was inviting Akira Ikegami as her guest.
She doesn't know that the fragmentation of the U.S. society (i.e., the maximization of inequality) is the result of globalism, that a handful of people like the founders and executives of GAFA have become more prosperous than the national budgets of many countries, and that the Obama administration has not only made China more arrogant but also maximized income inequality.
She doesn't know that the American Dream is still alive and well in the United States, barely holding it together.
What did she say?
She asked Ikegami if the fragmentation of the U.S. has given birth to people like Trump.
The female presenter, whose brain is on par with "the Asahi Shimbun, which is no better than a kindergartener's," in Uchida's words, "looked down on the president of the United States.
TV Tokyo is also an incomprehensible broadcasting station.
They also produce some unique programs that I have recently become a fan of.
If you leave WBS on and turn it on at noon the next day, you will frequently find that they air Korean dramas made up of lies and plagiarism.
The female presenter mentioned above and how she did it made me wonder about the nerve of TV Tokyo. 
The following is from the following book, "An ultimatum to anti-Japan," by a former South Korean army colonel.
This book is a must-read not only for all Japanese citizens but also for people worldwide.
Especially the Asahi Shimbun, a newspaper that takes pleasure in humiliating their country to the world. Not only that, but the people who make a living from and subscribe to this foolish newspaper, which is unlike any other in the developed world, will go to any length to fabricate anything.
It is primarily the so-called scholars who have been telling us to learn from Germany.
The people who make a living from the South German newspaper have been writing anti-Japanese articles using the anti-Japanese pieces of this newspaper.
It is the Germans who subscribe to this newspaper.
The Germans make a living from the TV station that airs the Nanking Massacre story fabricated by John Rabe as an annual event at the end of every year.
As a result, about half of the German people have an anti-Japanese ideology.
It is a must-read for those in the United States who call themselves scholars, such as Alexis Dudden, a Korean agent.

Chapter 2: Korea as Seen by Foreigners and Nationals.
As we have seen, Japan and Chosun were different from each other in their capabilities.
Was Chosun the cultural country that the communists have been glorifying?
The following summarizes the observations made by foreign intellectuals who observed Chosun in the field for many years and by Korean forerunners of the same period.
In a word, Chosun, as viewed by 21 foreigners and 6 Koreans, was an uncivilized country shrieking in agony.
From the writings of Ernest Hatch 
Ernest Hatch (1859-1927) was a British politician.
In 1904, he published Far Eastern Impressions, a travelogue of Japan, Korea, and China.   
All officials in Korea routinely engage in looting, and since deprivation has become something of the law of the land, Koreans are not attracted to making an effort. 
Poverty can be an excellent reason for the people to resist the oppression of the ruling class.
However, despite the corruption and inefficiency of the Korean government, which has reached irreformable levels for quite some time, the Korean people have become accustomed to such tyranny and are reluctant to fight against it.
The Joseon officials are vampires who occupy the heart of the country and drink the people's living blood.               
(See Far Eastern Impressions: Japan-Korea-China, 1904)
From the writings of Arnold Savage Lander 
Arnold Savage Lander (1865~1924) was an English traveler and painter.   
A commoner in Joseon said, "Even if I work hard and make money, the government officials take it away from me. Is it worth working in such a situation? I replied, "If it were me, I'd probably just hang myself," in agreement with him.
The poverty and poor sanitation in the fishing village were astounding.
The ruling class of the Joseon Dynasty had turned the people into lethargic slackers, lacking vitality, eating and sleeping only.
In Hanyang, the frozen filth melted in the spring, and the foul odor that wafted everywhere was so horrible that I wished I could lose my nose.   
From Alexander Hamilton's Glossary 
Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) was an American politician and thinker.
In a civilized country, a shocking and brutal event that would immediately provoke a popular revolt would not be seen or heard by the Koreans, and they would act as if nothing had happened.
The Korean people are too used to enduring.                
(Alexander Hamilton, Ron Chemow, 2004).
From Karl Gützlaff's book 
Karl Gützlaff (1803~1851) was a German missionary.   
I was deeply impressed by the poverty, filth, disorder, and moral depravity of the Koreans. After living among them for a month, I felt very keenly that they needed soap to wash themselves and a Bible when I left Korea.
It was.
The Sea of Joseon, Where Evil Spirits Lurked," by Park Chung-hun, Reality Culture Research, 2008 (Japanese).



