文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China, a communist one-party dictatorship, and the worst surveillance society in history.

2021年07月31日 07時49分59秒 | 全般

"I would also like to add that when I step down as Prime Minister, I will be reorganizing our political world. It is an obvious fact that Japan will not defend itself against China as it is now, which means that Japan and the Japanese people are in danger if things continue as they are now.
"The 21st century is a battle between a totalitarian state represented by China, a communist one-party dictatorship, and the worst surveillance society in history. Japan, as a leading democracy along with the U.S., cannot lose this battle, but it will fail in its current state!
"I also want Mr. Nikai to quit, and I will never let someone like Yuriko Koike, who talks and runs her politics from a talk show, become the prime minister of Japan.  I will also thoroughly examine the issue of her fraudulent educational background.
"We will rally politicians from both the ruling and opposition parties who will support us. We will bring together politicians from both the ruling and opposition parties to form a new ruling party and a new government that will ensure the defense of Japan and the safety of the Japanese people."



