文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

No one would ever come out with his comments.

2020年08月20日 10時32分46秒 | 全般

Any astute observer can see how pernicious the attitude of equating the US and China to the Wuhan virus's issue is.
So I'm just going to revise and re-publish the chapter that I sent out on 2020-04-16 titled, "Putting the US and China on a par with each other on the Wuhan virus issue."
NHK's watch9 has long thought it was right to comment on the US and China in the same rankings.
Back when Arima was hosting with Kuwako, he had no hesitation in saying that Japan was between the two great powers, the US and China, without a doubt.
I was convinced even then that this was a man who had gone to great lengths to belittle and diminish Japan.
No one, who knows Japan's real strength, economic, academic, national, and warfare capabilities would ever come out with his comments.
This man who routinely self-deprecates and trivializes Japan at every turn and puts himself in the Almighty position without any evidence has the brainpower of a union activist.
Last night, as mentioned above, Arima repeated his remarks against the United States' blissful decision against the WHO, of all things, by equating the US and China.
Any astute observer can see how pernicious this attitude of equating the US and China on the issue of the Wuhan virus is.
Putting the US and China on an equal footing, in this case, is equivalent to stating that he is complicit with China, or at least as much of an agent of China as the WHO's Tedros.
Moreover, if I were an American, I would be furious with him.
Arima notes the US criticism and decision to criticize the WHO as a way to hide the failure of the Trump administration to suppress the virus.
Trump doesn't lie.
Trump said at the press conference.
'The American people are not a nation that lives a regular life. In other words, we are a multi-ethnic nation, a diverse collection of citizens, each living as they please.'
He's not hiding anything.
He is just saying things straight out of the box.
When he was elected president, a Chinese official said sincerely, "Almost all people become politicians to make money or become politicians for the sake of making money. *This is exemplified by Chinese Communist Party members or Chinese politicians. The amount of money they have made is astronomical.* On the other hand, Trump became a politician when he was already one of the richest men in the U.S... that's the difference; that's what makes him great.'
This article continues.


