文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

That's what I told them, and now the world knows it for the first time.  

2021年06月12日 08時32分40秒 | 全般

The Japanese are tickled by her good looks and beautiful skin, that few people can compete with the Chinese government's selection of Kunoichi.
2019-04-10 17:28:18 | Diary
The Chinese spy agency in Japan is very clever and strategic. The chapter I sent out on 2019-04-07 is in the official hashtag ranking: 6th place in Argentina.
The three Class A war criminal journalists who are accountable to the public are as follows. (1) The Yomiuri Shimbun: Tomoko Echizenya, a chapter sent out on 2018-05-30, is ranked #6 on the official hashtag ranking: Argentina.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
In the comments section of the above blog, there was also a post that read as follows.
In the past, after a visit to China, there have been many people, both in politics and in the private sector, who have made such a 180-degree turn from their previous thoughts and statements that they seem to have been brainwashed and have become pro-China and become like Chinese agents.
How dangerous can it be to have nearly 150 puppet politicians in the Diet?
Even an elementary school student could understand this.
After all, it seems that some of the lawmakers and officials were honey-trapped during the delegation's visit to China.
Also, if you search for Kenzaburo Oe, Shuichi Kato, and Makoto Oda using their "names" and "honey trap," you will get hits.  As I suspected, the leftists may have been caught in a honey trap as well.
In addition, some cases are unfavorable to China in some of the media's non-reporting cases that I have introduced in my blog.
I am aware of some of them, such as the violence at the Nagano torch relay, China's aircraft carrier construction, the follow-up report of the poisoned dumpling incident, organ hunting, nuclear test health damage, the Uyghur issue, China's opposition to the application for the continental shelf, more than 65% of the organ donors are on death row, the expansion of the Three Retreats Movement, and Spain and Argentina's crime of genocide against Jiang Zemin.

Considering that China has 5,000 honey trappers and targets worldwide, it is no wonder that the Japanese media has fallen for the Chinese honey trap.
Yesterday, I was having dinner at a very good (not cheap) restaurant in Kyoto; even though it was a weekday, it was highly deserted, deflation has not yet wholly broken out.
I loved the old Miyako Hotel at Keage.
Chaplin loved Japan; he loved Kyoto and this hotel.
He would have loved the great location with a panoramic view of Kyoto. 
The Chinese restaurant that opened after the hotel became the Westin also had a fantastic view of the Kyoto landscape and excellent taste, but it was closed.

I was having dinner by myself at a restaurant in Takashimaya.
Two young women of Chinese descent (Chinese, Taiwanese, Hong Kong) walked in diagonally in front of me.  The woman sitting across from me looked the same as a beautiful young Japanese woman and looked like she belonged to the wealthy class in Chinese society.
At that moment, I was electrified by the thought that almost everyone except those who have lived a life like Prime Minister Abe's - including me, if I were to be honey-trapped by a woman like her - would surely fall for the honey-traps set by China and the Korean Peninsula.
Appearance and skin beauty that tickle the hearts of Japanese people. The Chinese government has selected Kunoichi, and few people can compete with it.

The Asahi Shimbun, for example, is a business that they have staked their fortunes on, even more so since it is a newspaper that it initially scrapped.
To shift their main business from the newspaper business, which has seen a massive drop in subscribers, to the real estate business.
Osaka was in the throes of a significant decline.
It's no exaggeration to say that building management was unfeasible in Osaka, severely affected by the concentration of power in Tokyo.
The Nakanoshima Twin Towers, the project on which they staked their corporate fortunes, was a project that had been decided on long before August five years ago, as Kenichi Ohmae has revealed, the newspaper, which at the time was arguably the most powerful political power in Japan, took advantage of its fourth power to force the 1,000% floor-area ratio for commercial land on the soft ground along the river to increase to 1,600%.
If the first phase of the North Yard project had been carried out on schedule, the timing of the completion of the project, on which they had staked their company's fortune, would have coincided with the time they were looking for tenants.
So the newspaper, which is always thinking only of its interests and never considers the national interest, had no intention of talking about the North Yard, which was the key to Osaka's revival.

They even got Shimotsuma, then chairman of the Kansai Economic Federation, to say, "Why don't you stop the second phase of sales and turn it into a green park?
After three months of my single-handedly crushing this misdeed, the Asahi had then Osaka Mayor Hiramatsu campaign with taxpayers' money to build a soccer stadium and invite the World Cup to Japan.
At that time, I scolded the person in charge of this matter at the Football Association, "If you want to invite the World Cup and cheer up Japan, ask the Emperor. I'm sure he will be happy to give you a small part of the Imperial Palace to answer your noble sentiments."
If you want to build a soccer stadium in Umeda, pay more than 100 million yen for it because it is the people's property, and we are still paying for the 30 trillion yen deficit of the Japanese National Railways..." I'm sure you remember being told by me that.
I also told FIFA, just in case...where in the world is there a fool who would build a soccer stadium on 5th Avenue in New York, on the Champs Elysees in Paris, or Via Condotti in Rome? 
If you want to hold it in Umeda, buy it for more than 100 million yen per tsubo. It is the No. 1 commercial district in Japan, no exaggeration.
That's what I told them, and now the world knows it for the first time.  

Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel cover
