文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Resend! Hiroki Komazaki's proposal, which closely resembles the North Korean Constitution

2023年07月12日 11時20分40秒 | 全般

Hiroki Komazaki's proposal, which closely resembles the North Korean Constitution

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The following is a continuation of the previous chapter (from an important article by Yoshiko Ikeda, published in the monthly magazine Hanada Plus).
Hiroki Komazaki's proposal, which closely resembles the North Korean Constitution
The specifics of the "countermeasures to the declining birthrate in another dimension" to be led by the Child and Family Agency under the control of the Red Network can be seen in the document submitted by Hiroki Komazaki at the "Kodomannaka Forum" hosted by the Cabinet Secretariat Preparatory Office for Establishment of the Child and Family Agency on January 27, 2012.
Komazaki runs the nursery school attended by the child of Councilor Seiko Noda, and when she was Minister of State for Declining Birthrate, a subordinate of Komazaki's was hired by the said Preparatory Office (now the Agency for Children and Families).
Komazaki claims that the high cost of child-rearing for families is the cause of the declining birthrate. As a solution, he has proposed a budget of about 5 trillion yen, which she calls the "realization of a free child-rearing society," to cover all school lunches for elementary and junior high schools, medical expenses up to college, and school fees at government expense.
And, as is clear from the news, the government and ruling party are doing everything they can to realize the Komazaki proposal.
The Komazaki proposal closely resembles the "Child and Family Policy" written in the North Korean Constitution.
For example, the North Korean Constitution contains the following provision.
The State shall allow all students, pupils, and children to study free of charge, and provide scholarships to university students" and "Children have the right to receive material assistance. The State shall provide special protection for mothers and children by guaranteeing prenatal and postnatal leave, reducing working hours for mothers with many children, expanding maternity hospitals, daycare centers, and kindergarten networks, and other measures. The State shall guarantee all conditions for women's entry into society."
The following sentence from the article above can better explain how these provisions relate to measures to combat declining birth rates.
It is the same as Komazaki's assertion.
Only when the family is freed from material calculations and economic pressures can the birth of children cease to be a matter of concern, and this is where the conditions for the emergence of families with many children are fostered. Therefore, human multiplication and the succession of generations as a function of the family are fully realized only under a people's democratic or socialist system."
Komazaki also spoke at the "Forum on Loneliness and Isolation" organized by the Cabinet Secretariat, saying, "Many local governments are not utilizing subsidy programs for children's home meals and cafeterias. 
It is another proposal reminiscent of the North Korean Constitution: "The State shall guarantee all working people food, clothing, and shelter.
The name "a countermeasure to the declining birthrate in another dimension" could not be more apt.
The government is now proposing to introduce into Japan, a liberal-democratic, capitalist nation, measures to combat the declining birthrate introduced more than 70 years ago by a socialist country.
Chizuko Ueno, "Let's All Be Equally Poor"
Ironically, realizing the government's plan will further increase the "declining birthrate.
If a "free child-rearing society" is realized and a food rationing system is put in place, more women will find it unnecessary to stay married in order to provide for their children.
Divorce rates will rise further, and the family system will be virtually dismantled.
As a result, the marriage system will be dismantled, and the unmarried rate will increase.
The Red Network, leading the government's proposal, knows this is not a solution to the declining birthrate.
They are aiming elsewhere.
Chizuko Ueno says, "It is impossible to maintain the population. Everyone should become poor equally. The national burden rate should be increased, and the redistribution function should be strengthened. Aim for a social democratic direction."
If the government proposal is realized, this Ueno's assertion will be institutionalized into reality.
On March 30 of this year, the South Korean government released the "North Korean Human Rights Report.
According to the report, in North Korea, six children were shot to death in 2015 after seeing a South Korean video, and a pregnant woman was publicly executed in 2017 after she pointed to a portrait of President Kim Il Sung.
It is the current State of affairs for a nation that advocates a "paradise on earth" and enacted a constitution in 1948 that stipulates "special protection for mothers and children."
What kind of society will be created that includes "one-persons" who no longer have family or property to protect them and who have become lonely and isolated?
Are we so foolish that we cannot understand without going through the same experience?
Prime Minister Kishida has stated, "By June, I will present a general framework for doubling the budget for children and child-rearing.
If this trend continues, Japan will follow the same path as North Korea.
We should stop and have a national debate on whether this is really the right course.
*It is an obvious fact that the politicians of the opposition parties are nothing more than traitors to their country.
But the incompetence of the Kishida administration and the LDP politicians' stupidity should make anyone able to read this paper shudder.
The words of Seiko Noda, who ran for the LDP presidential election, about the Child and Family Agency, which she repeated as if she were an idiot, reeked of pseudo-moralism.
Many people in Japan felt that it would be unthinkable for Seiko Noda to become the president of the LDP.
The concerns that many people, including myself, had about her were right on the mark, but the reality, including her husband's problems, is not only disgusting but horrifying.



