文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They are the primary culprits in the worst crime in history.

2021年08月08日 18時47分16秒 | 全般

Moderna says it needs to get a third dose of the vaccine!
I say this with heartfelt anger because I have been severely affected by the adverse reactions of Moderna, among which is lymphadenopathy, which is also listed on the MHLW website, since I received the first vaccine on June 14 until just the other day.

Don't be an idiot! Before you do that, it is more important to pursue China thoroughly and determine the cause, you insensitive fellow!
Biden, you need to file a lawsuit against China quickly.

The biggest and worst accomplices are the media, politicians, and academics, who China has tamed worldwide.
They are the primary culprits in the worst crime in history.
This article continues.


