文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I was talking to an acquaintance who was one of the unmistakable elites and a gentle family member

2020年04月27日 15時40分00秒 | 全般

The other day, I was talking to an acquaintance who was one of the unmistakable elites and a gentle family member.
He is also the reader of this column.
"I was surprised at the IQ 150 ..."
So, when I was in the 5th grade of elementary school, I was called to the principal's office and told that 'You had a great number, and that you already have the ability for 2nd and 3rd year in high school.' did.
A teacher who made me stand up on his behalf in high school and made me lecture twice for my classmates when he passed by me as a corridor, said, 'You stayed at Kyoto University and carried that university on your shoulders. Stand up. '

Some people subscribe to newspapers such as Asahi and watch TV news programs such as NHK.
Instead of not knowing that they are vulnerable to information, they think they are savvy people, so they are the cause of our state ruin.
Released on April 23, WiLL and Hanada, the must-read monthly magazines for all Japanese people, are packed with the work of genuine journalists who can tell the truth of things they never know.
I take off my hat to them for their perseverance.
It is no exaggeration to say that their manuscript fee is a sparrow's tears compared to the appearance fee of human beings who appear on TV and talk about the irrelevant things that are the cause of our state ruin.
All of them are "national treasures" defined by Saichō.
On the other hand, employees such as Asahi Shimbun, employees of TV stations such as NHK, and radio geisha who make a living at talk shows, etc. are also 'traitors' if I define them instead of Saichō.
It goes without saying.
I sincerely hope that heaven and hell exist.

In the above-mentioned monthly magazine, in a dialogue about the future of the world, there was a section that contrasted nervous Europe with the insensitive Chinese who did not think the lie was a lie.
Since IQ is high, it may be interested in all things.
If you are a humanities student, you will also have a good sense of art.
Notably, knowledge about art becomes deeper.
The fact that art cannot separate from Europe is, but you can tell by watching NHK's 'Airport Piano,' it's one of my favorite shows.
At pianos located at airports and train stations all over Europe and the United States, passing by tourists and locals of all ages exchanged and player pianos.

Kazumi Takahashi once wrote that 'the foundation of originality lies in diversity, and the foundation of diversity lies in the constancy of everyday life.'
What happens if a person with a very high IQ is born against the constancy of everyday life, that is, into a house that can not stand the hustle and bustle.
It will hurt more than ordinary people can see.
The reader was familiar with it, so to speak, I deviated from my life.
I think the first time I met Umesao Tadao, it was after he passed away that I recognized him.
It was when I went to the Expo'70 Commemorative Park, which I had never visited before, with my best friend to shoot plants.
It was holding an exhibition at the National Museum of Ethnology to look back on his work.
He hit me like a thunderbolt.
As you know, I have made several mentions in this column that I am Nobunaga and Kukai, who live in the present.
The hero remembers the hero; the real leading knows the right leading.
I wanted to be there as much as possible.
I visited again.
I also bought some of his books at the exit.
He field-worked in almost all provinces of China. 
He spent a few years living and studying there.
I immediately agreed to his conclusion that China is a country of abysmal evil and plausible lie.
I felt the truth and depth in an instant.
The rare talent of Umesao Tadao transferred to the extraordinary talent that had strayed off the side street.
Please understand that I no longer need to be shy.
I also instantly agreed with him that 'originality is repetition and repetition is originality.'
It's no exaggeration to say that I haven't written about the abysmal evil and plausible lie of China and the Korean Peninsula since I first appeared in July 2010.
Furthermore, I immediately felt that 'Japan is not Asia.'
He concluded that Japan is not Asia, but rather close to Britain.
Anyone who has seen the particular program of Ms. Venetia Stanley-Smith, who lives in Ohara, Kyoto, will be able to feel it.
This article continues.
