文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

For young people over the age of 18 who have the right to vote,

2019年07月23日 17時07分53秒 | 全般

The following is the chapter I sent to Japan yesterday.
For young people over the age of 18 who have the right to vote, in this manuscript, I would like to particularly tell young people who have the right to vote in Osaka.
I always used to vote early.
I was taking a taxi back and forth to the ward office, which is the polling place before the date.
This time, following Miyagi, Akita, Iwate, and Siga prefectures, I wrote unplanned to 'I tell young people in Okinawa,' so I couldn't go to the early vote.
But it was good as a result because the polling place on the day is a nearby elementary school within walking distance.
If you haven't voted early, you should go for a walk to a nearby polling place.
As mentioned above, the House of Councilors election is a national election.
This time Osaka can have an entirely correct choice for capacity 4.
It is because the two parties of the LDP and Komei, which are the ruling party, have one candidate each other.
And the Japan Restoration Party, not only it is doing well but also can make the right choices for defending Japan, have two candidates as well.
A former LDP candidate, former Osaka governor Fusae Ota, and I are acquaintances.
I met her when she graduated from the University of Tokyo with excellent grades and entered the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and was the manager.
The place I met her with the introduction of a close friend who worked for Dentsu was Akasaka in Tokyo.
It also mentioned that the meeting time was midnight in the middle of the night, commensurate with the best hard workmen in Japan.
It was not an exaggeration to say that we became close friends when we first met.
But we have encountered it twice in the aisle of Shin-Osaka Station, despite having never met since then.
At first, we were in a hurry to each other; I also thought, Well, she is not Fusaee-chan?
Because she is austere and she is walking like a normal aunt.
She also felt like it took a long time to remember.
Curiously, soon afterward, I went out to eat lunch at Shin-Osaka Station, and we went back to run in another passage.
Now that we had time for each other, it was a side story, but she remembered the first encounter clearly.
When she was the governor of Osaka,
Having chosen Osaka as the stage of my life, I needed to summarize Osaka.
The date and time were also decided to be in the form of an insert advertisement.
And to advertise on Nikkei newspaper subscriptions in Osaka Prefecture to all households.
When the deadline approaches, I realized that I could write at once if I can write in the form of a letter to her.
If it were a form to talk to her, and the essay From 大阪 to Osaka that I wrote up in an instant was.
I am proud that I changed the Osaka and urged the birth of the Restoration Society.
Of course, she also knew about this paper.
The conversation grows lively.
The election is hard, You are not so strong in the election (laughs)
No way I thought she would be in this election.
However, it is isn't my long-cherished plan as much as what can vote on her this time.
Because, among the candidates this time, it can set the world to rights unerringly.
She has a clear insight to see Japan and the world.
It is because she is the best by far.
To defend Japan = to establish a security system, we have to revise the Constitution GHQ Gives to Make Japan Cartagog = Constitutional given to permanently weaken Japan ...
It is a well-known fact that the Japan Restoration Party will also be a significant force.
It does not want to amend the constitution; it is only two anti-Japanese nations in the world.
They are China and the Korean peninsula; they want to leave Japan as a weak country that can invade or occupy at any time
So it is constitution protection and the media such as the Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc. saying stupid things such as against constitutional amendment, etc.,
All parties, such as CDP, and so-called cultural people, we can consider correct as they are all their minions.
Surely things will be even more visible if most of them (including really incorrigible Oe Kenzaburo and Murakami Haruki).
If we think that they all depend on honey traps and money traps in China and the Korean peninsula.
They blindly believe the Asahi Shimbun, which is a useless newspaper.
The owner of as if one mean well towards pretended moralism, which has been completed by the Asahi Shimbun editorial,
The actual situation may be the owners of brains at the kindergarten level.
The Asahi newspaper purveyor scholar, Uchida Tatsuru, who is no more foolish himself saying.
The paper of the Asahi Shimbun compared to the high-quality western paper; it is the level of kindergarten children. That it is ... only this thing. It is a statement that is the only to hit the mark in his collection of speeches.
This manuscript continues.
