文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

"Justice and faith among internationals" are not to be trusted! 

2022年12月30日 12時42分08秒 | 全般

A long time ago, an elderly female professor of the Royal Ballet School of Monaco, who prima ballerinas around the world highly respect, visited Japan.
She spoke at that time about the significance of an artist's existence.
She said, "Artists are important because they are the only ones who can shed light on hidden, concealed truths and express them."
No one would dispute her words.
It is no exaggeration to say that Masayuki Takayama is not only the one and only journalist in the postwar world but also the one and only artist in the postwar world.
On the other hand, many of those who call themselves artists, such as Oe, Murakami, and Hirano, do not even deserve the artist's name.
They have only expressed the lies created by the Asahi Shimbun and others rather than shedding light on hidden truths and telling them.
Their existence is not limited to Japan but is the same in other countries worldwide.
In other words, only a minimal number of actual artists exist.
This book also keenly proves that I am right when I say that no one in the world today deserves the Nobel Prize in Literature more than Masayuki Takayama.

"Justice and faith among internationals" are not to be trusted! 
But because of the war in Ukraine, I feel that the Japanese people are becoming much more enlightened.
In short, the pacifism that people on the left have been talking about up to now is meaningless, and they have been making noises that "Japan is involved in the war because of the presence of U.S. military bases."
In reality, however, Japan has been protected because of the bases and the presence of the U.S. military.
In other words, I think people have come to realize that "a nuclear attack on a U.S. military base is not possible." 
There is no doubt that Japanese people's awareness of the problem has increased after the war in Ukraine.
I would say that the war in Ukraine broke through the stereotypes and illusions of the Japanese people. 
It is the meaninglessness of the preamble to the Constitution of Japan, "Trust in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world."
Ukraine trusted that which is why it gave up the nuclear weapons in its country and handed them over to Russia, believing that it could get the U.S., Russia, and other major powers to guarantee its security, but it has been betrayed spectacularly. 
Looking at that Ukraine, it is clear that peace can be broken overnight.
The Japanese people should realize this as soon as possible.
It has nothing to do with our desire for peace. 
The Ukrainians would never have wanted war. But overnight, peace is broken in front of their eyes.
That is probably a feeling that Japanese people cannot understand.  
Moreover, even among Japanese people, some say, "It would be better for Ukraine to surrender after all. So many Japanese people were openly arguing on TV that it would be better for Ukraine to surrender, that it would be easier to compromise and that it would be less costly.
One such person was Toru Hashimoto, the founder of the Restoration Movement and Governor of Osaka Prefecture.
It is also strange that such an argument can be openly displayed in Japan. 
That is why Hashimoto disappeared from the public eye for a while. The media must have been concerned about the public outcry. 
Oh, that's right. It disappeared from Sunday morning TV programs, too, didn't it? 
There were already a lot of opinions following that one.
For example, when a Japanese company was burned down in China, the newspapers proudly wrote, "The Chinese people do not hate Japan. In fact, they are resisting the Beijing government."
"What are you talking about? Pull everyone out of that place if there is no compensation and no apology. Instead, summon the ambassador and break off diplomatic relations." that's what they should say.
But the newspaper claims that there has been some misunderstanding and deflects the conversation to itself.
There is no sound argument in the Japanese newspapers.
The same thing happened this time; when a story like Hashimoto's came out, some opinions followed it. 
Many people have said such things in the past.
Historically speaking, Michio Morishima of the University of London. 1970s. After the second Security Treaty struggle, he argued with Yoshihiko Seki, a professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University, saying, "If the Soviet Union attacks, why don't we just raise the white flag and the red flag?
This Morishima-like remark became the model for subsequent statements by cultural figures. 
As a follower, a man who draws bad political cartoons said, "If China attacks, just raise your hand.
"Then we can have some good Chinese food."
But if you raise your hand to the Chinese, they will cut off all your fingers, gouge out your eyeballs, cut off your ears, and shave off your nose.
That is the answer of history. The Chinese will cut off your tongue even if you want to eat Chinese food. 
Hashimoto is also distorted in the sense that he does not fight.
Even if you tell them to run away, the Chinese will put a missile into an apartment building with impunity, just as the Russians do.
I went to war six times during the Iran-Iraq war. 
War is the ultimate destruction.
I once fled from a fleet of mortar shells, saying, "Mitar sam (I'm scared).
In a village across the river from Basra, I saw a large brick house obliterated before my eyes.
Shell fragments had made a massive hole in the wall of a nearby lens. My body would have been cut in half if I had been standing there.
The blast also burst the windows of a car. 
The shards of window glass instantly killed the occupants of the car.
It is wrong to tell others that they should just run away or throw up their hands as if they know what they are doing. 
