文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

However, in Japan, they lie to detract from their national interest (all laughing)

2020年04月28日 16時39分12秒 | 全般

The following is a distinctive feature of the dialogue between Masayuki Takayama and Miki Otaka, which was published on April 24 in a monthly magazine that must be read by all Japanese people, titled 'Scarier than corona, People affected by the China virus.'
Deep-rooted propaganda war
China keeps lying on the Wuhan virus, but there may be more deep-rooted propaganda wars.
He Qinglian's 'Chinese big propaganda' (published by Fusosha, translated by Fukushima Kaori) also gives detailed examples of Chinese propaganda.
As I touched on in this book, the Mainichi Newspaper is also incorporated by China.
In fact, Mainichi distributed 'China Watch' every fourth Thursday of every month.
In Otaka's book, the Jeamni massacre (1919) related to the March 1st Movement in Korea is repeatedly taken up.
It is an incident that is said to have slaughtered 20 local Koreans by Japanese officials.
They still bring up this story and demand an apology.
Maruhan's chairman, Han Chang-Woo, also had grounds for 'Japanese people are cruel' when I spoke with him before.
Mr. Han Chang-Woo is the boss of a pachinko parlor.
I have doubts about it to easily label Japanese even though he made money in Japan with pachinko, which is prohibited in Korea, I think.
It's a terrible story because pachinko money is flowing to North Korea to fund the development of nuclear missiles.
I wonder what kind of country a member of the pachinko parliament (Federation of Game Promotion Council) has changed to an IR.
Though the parliamentary federation that is the raison d'etre what they say something to Mr. Han Chang-Woo and others, including tax payments,
they have the wrong idea of ​​meaning.
Speaking of the Jeamni massacre, Japanese pastors visited Korea and apologized last year.
Otaka's book introduced the sentence, 'Welding a vicious or poison pen is about to be a foreigner, etc.' in the diary of Army Admiral Taro Utsunomiya.
A poison pen is a reporter who deliberately tries to get down on Japan.
Asahi issued a select article, 'Utsunomiya Diary: Valuable Testimony of Bitter History' (March 1, 2007), but did not arbitrarily post 'poison pen.'
I think that Utsunomiya's point has a significant meaning.
Looking at the Japanese reviews of foreign journalists and scholars who came to Japan from the end of the Edo era to the beginning of the Meiji period, it can be seen that at that time, they were very calm and sensible.
There were many foreigners hired.
For example, Lafcadio Hearn (Yakumo Koizumi) and Fenollosa have a deep interest in Japanese culture and have inherited and protected it.
However, one day suddenly, foreign journalists and missionaries began to speak badly about Japan.
It started when the story of the 'Port Arthur massacre (China)' (1894) came out in the Sino-Japanese War.
The Japanese fight boldly, treat the surrendering Chinese prisoners of war with care and treat injured soldiers.
European newspapers wrote it obediently, but American newspapers were quite different—for example, James Creelman, a correspondent reporter from The New York World.
He wrote that the Japanese troops plunged into the city after the fall of Port Arthur stronghold and brutally murdered 20,000 Qing soldiers and Port Arthur citizens.
The Japanese side proclaimed that it was 'rootless.'
It was troubled very much not to be devil's proof but to prove what isn't there.
Wikipedia mentions the Port Arthur massacre (China) as a fact.
Why did American newspapers carry sloppy articles?
I made a story because it was in the golden age of yellow paper, but the essence is different.
The United States opened Japan, but if they think of themselves as a guardian of this mysterious race with a delicate aesthetic sense.
The Japanese will show off a fantastic naval battle in the Sino-Japanese War, and it will not be plundered or slaughtered in the land war, it is beautiful. He showed an intense fight.
Americans who were still plundering, slaughtering, and raping in the Indian War at that time were allegedly barbaric, and all at once, disliked Japan.
While Creelman wrote an article deliberately brutalizing the Japanese army while reassuring U.S. citizens that they are as brutal as us,
did he think that it would write Japan worse than necessary and dispirit Japan's national prestige?
The high-quality evidence was that the Japanese criticism before the Sino-Japanese War was quite well, saying, 'Japanese people and Chinese people are strange, but Chinese people are gross strange' (New York Times), but after the Sino-Japanese War, Japan they don't pick up that way. Still, if they pick up once in a while, they only get severe criticism.
After that, the hoax of this Port Arthur massacre became a model for the coverage of Japan. It is leading to the massacre of Nanjing.
After that, Creelman justified the American act of war by skipping the hoax of how Spain did atrocity in Cuba during the US-War War (1898) without going to the scene.
He's a reporter who spent his life writing a lie (laughs).
It is genuinely a typical example of a 'foreign reporter who writes by himself.'
It's like an Asahi reporter (laughs).
Lie to spoil the national interest
International journalism is willing to take a big lie for the national interest.
However, in Japan, they lie to detract from their national interest (all laughing).
Why is this the exact opposite?
I don't understand its psychology.
Otaka picks up the apologies, Yukio Hatoyama and Uichiro Niwa, and reports the strangeness.
I'm wondering if they are forced to perform an apology performance as they fall into a trap and hold their weakness.
This article continues.
