文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I wonder if this is a honey trap or a money trap.

2024年06月08日 14時21分25秒 | 全般

The following is an article in yesterday's Nikkei Newspaper, page 2, titled, The Silent "Batwoman".
I had failed to read it, but a friend, one of the best readers, informed me, "Your conviction is proving correct."

NHK and under Chinese manipulation,
TV Tokyo's WBS, which had a series of reports titled "Thoughts on Corona" with a cast of cobbled-together people,
It is much better than NHK's watch9,
When not with Mr. Takita and Ms. Oe, the show featured a female announcer with the same pseudo-moralism as NHK or the same GHQ brainwashing that the government is evil and they are right.
All of the "stones" in the cobblestone people are pseudo-moralists who must have some connection to China,
Yosuke Kaifu, for example, said something entirely in line with what the Chinese government has announced.
According to him, this results from humankind's entry into the realm of wild animals.
As I have already mentioned, I was horrified to learn that Chinese (CCP) government scientists were saying the same thing.
Since it is meaningless to tell the CCP purveyor, I will tell the truth to Yosuke Kaifu.
The only one who had entered the bats' domain and been collecting blood and DNA was Shi Zhengli.
No other human being has ever done such a thing except for her.
You are not qualified to talk about civilization and humanity if you are too stupid to recognize that Shi Zhengli's words are those of a criminal.

You are not qualified to talk about civilization and humanity because you are a simple student who entered the University of Tokyo and became a scholar,
As Nobunaga and Kukai live in the present, I tell you as if I were going to strike you down with an iron hammer.
You are indeed the worst kind of human being.
And they also try to brainwash the viewers by appointing such a person,
I also tell the people in TV Tokyo who are no different from those who control NHK's news department.
You are the worst, too.

Source of Infection Sparks US-China Conflict
The conflict between the U.S. and China over the source of the new coronavirus, the world's first confirmed case of infection in the Chinese city of Wuhan in Hubei Province, continues unabated.
While the U.S. side claims that the Wuhan Virus Research Institute is the source of the outbreak, the Chinese side denies that it is a "fabrication.
Shi Zhengli, a researcher at the institute, is believed to hold the key to the truth.
Shi, a researcher of bat-derived viruses, is also known as "Bat Woman," but she has not been heard from recently.  
Shi and her family fled to Europe with 1,000 pages of secret documents.
In early May, while the theory of the Wuhan Institute as the "source" was still smoldering, this information circulated in the United States and Europe.
The Chinese media immediately reported that Shi had posted on a Chinese SNS (social networking site), "A rumor can't be that he betrayed his country and defected," thereby denying the defection theory.
Shi, however, has yet to come out in public.  
She said, "The new coronavirus is nature's punishment on mankind, and there is no way I would risk my own life to escape from the laboratory."

This statement of hers further confirms my conviction.
Because no sane (innocent) researcher would make such a statement, the world must be 100% convinced with this paper.
The world must be 100% convinced by this paper that the source of the Wuhan virus is Shi Zhengli and that China (CCP) is entirely responsible for the greatest postwar catastrophe.
The affected countries must immediately calculate the amount of damage and prepare to file a claim for damages against China.
As I have mentioned many times as a reference case, China is the country that buried its poison gas in the ground, falsified that it was the work of the Japanese military, and captured 1 trillion yen from Japan for this case alone.

Shi has refrained from speaking out about the source of the new coronavirus since posting something to this effect to his friends on a Chinese social networking site in early February.
Achievements in SARS 
Shi was born in 1964.
After studying genetics at university, he joined the Wuhan Institute of Virus Research under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the highest research institute directly under the government.
He returned to Wuhan in 2000 after receiving a doctorate in virology from the University of Montpellier, France, a prestigious institution for research in medicine and other fields. 
Dr. Shi became famous for his work on the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak in China in 2002-2003.
He caught wild bats in various caves and analyzed their body fluids, proving that the SARS virus originated from bats. 
In 2001, she published her findings in the British scientific journal Nature, which led to her being dubbed "Batwoman.  
In 2003, he and Professor Ralph Varik of the University of North Carolina in the U.S. jointly published research results that can be said to have predicted the new corona.
Barik is a leading researcher on coronaviruses.
The two published in Nature's sister journal that a mutation of the bat coronavirus could result in a new type of virus that would not respond to the SARS virus cure.  
Furthermore, when the Hubei provincial government ordered Shi and his team to study the new coronas in January, they were the first to announce in early February that they were also likely to be of bat origin.  
Meanwhile, U.S. President Trump and U.S. Secretary of State Pombeo insist that the Wuhan Virus Research Institute is the source of the new coronavirus.
The facility is a Biosafety Level (BSL)-4 facility, which can handle the most dangerous pathogens.
It is only about 30 km from the market where wild animals are traded, where the first cases of infection are believed to have occurred.

Requesting Entry 
According to the Washington Post, U.S. officials who visited the institute in 2006 sent a public letter warning the U.S. that the institute was researching coronaviruses but that safety measures were insufficient.
Pompeo has called for an on-site inspection of the institute. 
However, few experts believe the virus was intentionally leaked from the laboratory.
According to U.S. media, Jonah Mazet, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, noted that "there was no new coronavirus in Shi's lab" before the new coronavirus began to spread.
She refutes the U.S. administration's claim that the Wuhan Institute was the outbreak's source.

*This Jonah Mazet is probably 100% under Chinese influence.
I wonder if this is a honey trap or a money trap. *
Ms. Shi, who knows the real situation, remains tight-lipped. 

2024/6/7 in Nagoya


