文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

without reading this book, it is impossible to negotiate or engage with Korea.

2022年02月20日 17時56分49秒 | 全般

The following is from "An ultimatum to the anti-Japanese" (Jee Man-won) by a former South Korean army colonel, published in its first printing on April 13, 2020.
The book is full of facts and clarifications about why Korea is the way it is.
It is a real work of art that shows the reality of Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education to the fullest extent.
It is a must-read for Chinese and Korean Nazis who grew up with anti-Japanese education and those who make a living as university professors in the West and Japan, despite being only capable of considering their anti-Japanese propaganda as truth.
It is a must-read for UN officials who are utterly ignorant of the Korean peninsula but take seriously the anti-Japanese propaganda they have created with their unbelievable lies.
It is a must-read for every human being living in the 21st century.
The most effective way for wealthy people who consider themselves patriots to contribute to Japan is to present this book, one of the best books of the 21st century, to all members of the Diet.
This book is one of the best books of the 21st century and should be given to all the members of the National Assembly because without reading this book, it is impossible to negotiate or engage with Korea.
Today, February 20, I told a friend the following story.
Before Maezawa spends billions and billions of yen to orbit the threshold of the universe for a few days, he should deliver this book as a must-read to the members of the National Diet. That is if he is a true patriot..."
As I was writing this article, I realized that some people most deserve my suggestions.
If any of my readers are close to someone like, for example, Mr. Motoya, the president of APA Hotel Group, please suggest my idea.
This kind of effort = real books is rare.
It is not only a once-in-a-lifetime masterpiece of the author, Mr. Jee Man-won, but also a masterpiece that makes the most significant contribution to humanity.
It is a must-read book for the next 170 years to advance the "turntable of civilization," which is the providence of God.
The emphasis in the text except for the headline is mine.
Chapter 1: Korea in the World
Chosun, where only 10% of the yangban population, exploited the remaining 90% of their people, treating them like slaves. 
Joseon was founded in 1392 by Lee Sung-gye, who destroyed Goryeo in a coup d'etat.
Goryeo's loyal and senior vassals became enslaved and all those associated with them.
In addition, according to the "Servant-Mother Law" enacted by King Sejong in 1432, a child born to a male of yangban descent and a female of slave descent had no choice but to become a nobi (bi: male slave, no: enslaved woman) according to the status of the birth mother.
In this way, the ever-growing Nobi class was treated not as human beings but as livestock, traded for less than half the price of cattle or donkeys.
Joseon was a rare country where a privileged ruling class of only 10% treated the remaining 90% of the population as enslaved people and where the bi ruled the no. 
According to a door-to-door survey conducted throughout the Korean peninsula in 1910, out of a total of 2,894,777 households, the yangban numbered 54,217, only 1.9 percent of the total.
Although some Baekje were involved in slaughtering and other businesses and artisans engaged in manufacturing, they accounted for only a tiny percentage of the total. 
A subheading on page 15 of "The True History of the Joseon Dynasty," written by Kim Nam in 2012, says, "Less than 10 percent of people had surnames," and Nobi and others did not have surnames.
There are no exact statistics on the composition ratio of yangban and Nobi.
However, what is essential is that the Nobi were in the overwhelming majority. 
During the 518 years of Joseon rule, there were more than 1,000 cases of conspiracy. Every time an incident occurred, there was a bloody purge. Hundreds of people from the yangban family fell to the nobi.
In addition to this, the 5th King Sejong enacted the "Servant and Submissive Mother Law," which stipulated that a yangban child born to a woman of nobi status would become a nobi, and the number of Nobis increased geometrically.
My note: Nobi were not only objects of sale and plunder but also collateral for debts, given as gifts, and freely bought and sold (trafficked) as masters' property. According to the Matriarchal Law, a child of a nobi was a nobi, and therefore, once a person fell into the nobi status, he could not leave it for generations.:
Nobi was like livestock kept by the yangban, and they were commodities traded at less than half the price of donkeys.
The No was the yangban's consolation prize and the tool that produced the Nobi that occupied the top of the yangban's property list. 
The yangban used a variety of means to avoid military service. 
When outside forces invaded the country, the nobi class had to go to war and fight.
The majority of them were Nobi owned by the families of the two groups, and only a few were government Nobi.
They only had a fear of the yangban and no sense of loyalty to their masters, much less the concept of the state itself.
They followed even foreign armies as long as they were kind to them, like puppies attached to those who feed them.
It is one of the reasons why Joseon had to be defeated by foreign forces. 
What is the identity of every one of us? 
Are we descendants of a class that made up only 10 percent of the population or of a class that made up 90 percent of the people?
Let us suppose that we examine all the family histories and registers in Korea. They are all descendants of yangban. 
It means that most of us are a race that has lived by deceiving ourselves.
Being descendants of yangban does not make us any better than the servants.
Records show that the people of Joseon, whether royalty, yangban, or enslaved people, were a race with a common DNA of lies, intrigue, and barbarism.
A man uninspired by civilization is more dangerous than a beast.
Lies, conspiracy, and barbarism are precisely the words that suit people like Moon Jae-in and Cao Guo, who have been plunging Korean society into chaos for months now. 
Loyal soldiers and their training were necessary to protect the country from outside aggression.
But the enslaved people of Joseon who were forced to serve were nothing more than a bunch of crows cursing their masters and the king.
They had the muscle to carry a backpack but not the muscle to fight; besides, they did not even have the concept of "what the nation was.
Therefore, whenever there was a foreign invasion, such as Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–1598) or Qing invasion of Joseon, it was not uncommon for Joseon soldiers to join the enemy forces.
Meanwhile, what was going on in the royal palace of Joseon in Hanyang?
Politics, intrigues, conspiracies, bloodshed, bloody conflicts, conspiracies, conflicts among the four factions (the old, the young, the southern, and the northern), regency, exile, dissection of the corpse, cutting off the head of the corpse, and so on. It was an extreme punishment for criminals: the head, torso, hands, and feet were cut off, and the body was exposed to the elements.) In a word, the royal palace was dominated by lies, intrigue, and barbarism.
While Joseon was aging as a social system consisting of a few yangbans and many Nobis, the king and his yangban were reveling in the material exploitation and sexual exploitation of 90% of the enslaved people, not to mention the Nobis. 
The world was now in the age of the law of the jungle, and with the king and yangban indulging in such nonsense, it was only a matter of time before the powers that be took the country.
Japan did not destroy Joseon, but it destroyed itself.
It was left behind by the trend of the times and perished when a handful of royalty and yangban were intoxicated with the blood of their people.
As the intellectuals at the end of the old Han Dynasty (the period from Joseon to the Korean Empire) lamented, 90% of the enslaved people perished because they had no motivation to fight for the royalty and yangban who exploited them. Instead, they died because they did not try to make guns and develop science with the people. 
During Joseon's 500 years, how much did Joseon develop?
The roads twisted and turned, and grass huts with straw roofs lined the streets like a flock of snails.
The streets were filled with feces and urine produced by people and livestock, and the two groups rode palanquins through the streets with their noses filled with foul smells.
The excrement from people and livestock entered the wells, and the water from the wells stank.
All kinds of contagious diseases were raging, but there were no doctors and proper medicines.
If anyone had the property that they wanted, they would seize it without question and try to take it by force through torture such as caning.
There were no human rights from the beginning. 
It was the work of the 27 kings of Joseon who ruled the country for 500 years and the entire property of Joseon that was given to the Japanese governor. 
What Japan took from Joseon in 1910 was 90% superstitious and ignorant people, 10% greedy, lying, and conspiracy-minded yangban, and the land covered with filth and contagious diseases.
Japan seized Joseon and transformed Hanyang into a Tokyo-like city in just ten years.
To make the Koreans believe in the sincerity of the Japanese, they invested the budget that should have been spent on the Japanese mainland in Chosun to build modern buildings, factories, dams, and hydroelectric power plants that were more magnificent than those on the mainland.
Successive kings who believed in the superstition that wide roads would attract Jurchen people lost the streets that should have been there, but the Japanese built wide roads such as Jongno, Euljiro, and Taepyeongno in Hanyang. 
If Joseon had continued as it was, the straw-roofed grass huts would not have become two-story buildings even after ten million years.
However, Japan built beautiful buildings with five or six stories all over Joseon in less than ten years.
Had it not been for Japan's forced opening, and had the Joseon dynasty still existed, would Korea have developed as much as it has in the 109 years since 1910?
I doubt it very much.
But Japan was different. Japan rescued Joseon from the incompetent dictatorship and liberated the people Nobi and Yangban had enslaved. So they opened up the country with the power of science and education.
Park Chung-hee added another 18 years of achievements on top of that foundation stone, the Korea of today.
If the descendants of Joseon's last king, King Junjong, had been king for the past 109 years, Joseon still would not have even had a two-story house because the legacy built over 500 years was at the level of a grass house.
The 123-story Lotte World Tower would have been an ENTIRELY unrealizable dream. 
North Korea, where 10% of the Workers' Party members exploit 90% of the people as enslaved people. 
What kind of people have glorified such a DPRK as "a country of prestigious gardens"?
And for what purpose did they glorify the nightmarish DPRK as "a country of flowers"?
The main culprit is the Kim dynasty of North Korea.
Currently, North Korea is replacing Joseon with the Kim Family Dynasty. 
The author is interested in terminology.
South Koreans define the Korean Peninsula as the Republic of Korea, while North Koreans define Korea as Chosun.
Therefore, South Koreans call it South Korea and North Korea, while North Koreans call it South Chosun and North Chosun.
While South Korea has been reborn as a free and democratic nation and has forever parted ways with the dynastic system of Korea, North Korea has inherited the design of Joseon as it was.
And it is North Korea, they argue, that embodies the proud Chosun tradition.
South Korea has become like a colony of U.S. imperialism, but North Korea has preserved its national pride without being ruled by anyone. Hence, the nation's legitimacy lies with North Korea. It is why North Korea and those who follow it (the followers of North Korea) have been beautifying the gloomy DPRK by pretending that it is a beautiful country. 
As long as we are convinced that Japan is a devilish country that should be cursed for laying waste to the beautiful country of flowers, we cannot protect Korea. 
We have been deceived by groundless rumors about Japan, just as we were deceived by baseless rumors about 5.18.
Current North Korea is where 10% of the Workers' Party members treat 90% of their compatriots like enslaved people.
It is a reincarnation of Joseon.



