文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is no exaggeration to say that Germany is the most hypocritical country in the world

2024年02月18日 18時23分16秒 | 全般

On Hypocrisy and the International Community as Represented by the United Nations, etc.
February 21, 2022

As readers know, I have often spoken about hypocrisy and the international community as represented by the United Nations and other organizations, not only to the people of Japan but also to people around the world.
Since its appearance in July 2010 as "The Turntable of Civilization," there have been countless chapters on this topic.
We have edited a few of the most recent chapters and will publish them in English and Japanese.

It is no exaggeration to say that Germany is, in a word, a nation of hypocrisy (pseudo-moralism).
China and South Korea, countries of "unfathomable evil" and "deceptive lies," are totalitarian states that continue to practice Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education.
The "unfathomable evil" and "plausible lies" use hypocrisy.
They multiply with hypocrisy as their host.

The UN is an organization whose very existence is based on hypocrisy.
It is no exaggeration to say that everything they issue under the guise of "recommendations" is hypocrisy.
The fact that the UN's recommendations have been made to Japan, of course, is proof of this.
The fact that little has been done about China and South Korea is proof of this.
The fact that the UN did not make any recommendations regarding China's massive air pollution is proof of this.

It is no exaggeration to say that the genocide against the Uighur people, which is more atrocious and inhumane than the Nazis, has also gone unrecommended.
The UN has not issued any recommendations regarding the investigation into the origin of the Wuhan virus.

The Asahi Shimbun and its editorialists, academics, so-called human rights lawyers, cultural figures, and civic groups have placed the UN above Japan.
Therefore, they thoroughly took advantage of Germany. Germany was also willingly used by them.
As a result, the unbelievable reality that half of the German people had anti-Japanese ideology was created.

It is no exaggeration to say that Japan, which the Asahi Shimbun ruled until August 2014, was also a nation of hypocrisy (pseudo-moralism).
That is why the Asahi Shimbun and their editorial brainiacs, academics, and so-called cultural figures have been saying with a straight face that we should learn from Germany and so on.

The turntable of civilization is the providence of God.
The UN, the above people, China, and the Korean peninsula are against the providence of God.
They are the ones who have created the dangerous and unstable world we live in today.

I was more than a little horrified by the news that the LDP candidate lost (though by a narrow margin) in the supplementary election for the Shizuoka Prefecture House of Councillors.
It is because the people of Shizuoka Prefecture have just given a victory to Kawakatsu, who is trying to block the start of construction of the Linear Shinkansen and give China, which has stolen related technology from JR, the status of being the first country in the world to open a Linear Shinkansen line.
Not only are the people of Shizuoka Prefecture complicit in China's scheme to contract out the construction of the Linear Shinkansen to the rest of the world, but they have also given victory to Kawakatsu, who is the first of the "idiots" who have been "useful" to China.
(Author's note: Used in the same manner as the word "fool," which is Kawakatsu's preferred term when slandering others.

But this column will not tolerate such foolishness, nor will it be forever horrified by the above result.
The reason why Prime Minister Kishida lost despite his two trips to Shizuoka Prefecture to make speeches in support is apparent.
The defeat was inevitable, brought about by Prime Minister Kishida's catchphrase, "I have ears to hear."
The prime minister put into practice Nomura's famous words, "There is no such thing as losing mysteriously."
He dared to say something as obvious as "have ears to hear" because of the biggest defeat of the war.
The "useful idiots" in China and the Korean peninsula are still attacking the fabricated reports of Morikake by the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, which are based on their hatred of former Prime Minister Abe.
Prime Minister Kishida, whose fatal flaw was indecision, responded to this folly with that flaw.
In other words, it was because PM Kishida was utterly unaware that he had fallen into their trap at that point.
As for what kind of speech I would have made, I will discuss that later.
This article continues.

Kawakatsu thoroughly criticized, or instead ridiculed, the LDP government and the nation of Japan and gave full support to the opposition candidates of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the Communist Party, and other parties.
Kishida was oblivious that his prime minister's role was to criticize this man thoroughly. 
That is why he lost the race.
If Kishida, as prime minister of Japan, had said to the people of Shizuoka Prefecture, "This election is to ask you whether you support Japan or China! "
He would have won by a landslide against a narrow margin of defeat.

As soon as possible, it would help if you realized that the words "I will listen to you" are hypocrisy, falling into their trap.
You are the prime minister of Japan, so have some clarity!

This morning, 3/18/2017, the front page of the Asahi Shimbun newspaper carried, in the most significant and most extensive letters, the finding that the nuclear accident "could have been prevented."
Then, they used page 2, page 33, and page 35, a total of 4 pages, to attack the government and TEPCO.
The article was written as if they were trying to prove that they were right as if they were winning.
But this article was the article that proved them to be fools.
They are unaware that the court ruling destroyed the basis for their opposition to nuclear power, of which the Asahi Shimbun is a flag bearer.
In other words, it was a definitive message that they were nothing more than second-rate Japanese intellects.
Tatsuru Uchida, a purported scholar at the service of the Asahi Shimbun, said, "Compared to the high-end Western newspapers, the Asahi Shimbun is on the level of a kindergartener.
He hit the nail on the head when he said this.

The nuclear accident could have been prevented; in other words, nuclear accidents can be prevented.
The court's decision rejected the logic of the Asahi Shimbun and Mizuho Fukushima, who had been absolutely opposed to nuclear accidents because they could not be prevented.
They are unaware of the fact that their logic has been proven to be false.

After the Fukushima accident, South Korea decided to increase the number of nuclear reactors by 17.
China decided to increase the number of new nuclear reactors by several times.
While Japan's nuclear industry and nuclear research are headed for a sharp decline due to Naoto Kan, Masayoshi Son, Mizuho Fukushima, the Asahi Shimbun, and others, China is rapidly establishing nuclear research departments in more than 50 universities and attracting excellent human resources.

China intends to lead the world in the field of nuclear energy.
The decision, which Asahi reported as if it were proud of winning, proves that these two countries are right and what the above four parties have been doing is a foolish idea that is misleading the nation.
It proves how full of pseudo-moralism Asahi and others have been.
This paper is also (for the first time in the world) the truth I will tell the world.
The astute reader will see that my editorial has been proven correct, even by the judiciary.

Now, in between the Major League Baseball playoff broadcasts, the news broke.
A man elected as a candidate of the ruling party in the presidential election in South Korea said the following.
"We will overtake Japan, join the ranks of the advanced nations, and lead the world."
This statement shows they need to learn where their deficiencies lie.
At the very least, nothing is possible in this country until the anti-Japanese education, or at least Nazism, initiated by Syngman Rhee after the war (a ridiculous substitute) is changed.
They do not understand that culture, art, and learning are impossible.

In response to Prime Minister Kishida's recent policy speech, North Korea announced via its state-run broadcast that the abduction issue is entirely over.
The United Nations allows such a country to be a member and does not allow a democratic country like Taiwan to be a member.
The UN has China, arguably the worst dictatorship in history, and Putin's dictatorship, Russia, as permanent members.
The horseshit of the UN and the international community is also at an all-time high.

South Korea, mentioned above, has continued its 75 years of anti-Japanese education, or Nazism, from the postwar period to the present day, even in the 21st century.
Jiang Zemin started China to distract the public from the Tiananmen Square incident.
China continues to practice Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education in the 21st century.
The United Nations and the international community have been extremely reckless in allowing this to continue.

It is no exaggeration to say that Germany is the most hypocritical country in the world.
Therefore, taking advantage of anti-Japanese propaganda from South Korea and China, they have been calling Japan a country that has committed crimes equivalent to those of the Nazis, etc., and half of the population is harboring anti-Japanese ideology.

The Japanese media and academics saying, "Learn from Germany," etc., have become highly foolish.
Just the other day, Greta Thunberg reported that some German youths participated in an environmental awareness day in Germany, and the Japanese TV media reported it as if it was a 100% correct action, without any criticism.

She is probably a girl who lives in Sweden, far away from China, and in reality, she is a puppet of China.
She has probably never seen an air pollution chart of China.
She was born and raised in Sweden, a country not frequently hit by yellow sand yearly.
Of course, she was born and raised in Sweden, a country where children do not get Kawasaki disease caused by DSS.
Even now, she doesn't even know that China is a country that produces over 30% of the world's carbon dioxide, which is a problem for her and her friends.
I wonder if she knows what she is doing.
In other words, a girl who seems to be a bundle of hypocrisy herself is holding an event of ignorance and hypocrisy in Germany, which is arguably the most hypocritical nation in the world.
This article continues.

2024/2/13 in Kyoto


