文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It may seem far-fetched, but I see it as 'probable enough.'

2020年05月17日 14時03分17秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of an article by Yukihiro Hasegawa published in Hanada's issue. This monthly magazine is a must-read for everyone in Japan and around the world, entitled "Reparations Hell awaits China."
Why doesn't TV media such as NHK report the facts of the world that are obvious in this article?
How deeply they are under Chinese control, and it proves that China is fiercely manipulating the Japanese TV media, opposition politicians such as the Rikken Democrat Party, and their sympathizers such as the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, and so-called civic groups.
NHK, which I've mentioned many times, is a tight-knit organization with CCTV in its headquarters in Shibuya, to begin with.
Arima's comments so far attest to China's ferocious leadership of Arima, especially in WATCH9.
At the same time, there is a 100% presence in this thesis, especially 5W1H, which is the basis of reporting that the television media has utterly lost.
In other words, this paper is a real paper.
On the other hand, newspapers such as the Asahi Shimbun and TV media such as NHK are reporting fake news.
For whom? It goes without saying that it's for China.
The emphasis in the sentence except for the headline is mine.

How to make them pay compensation 
One of the significant issues, Hawley pointed out, is how to get the Chinese government to pay reparations.
The Xi Jinping regime will never admit its responsibility.
It is because the moment you admit it, you will not be able to escape the compensation payment.
Therefore, if we don't solve the problem of how to make them pay for their denial of responsibility, we may end up with 'they let our words go in one ear and out the other' no matter how hard we try. 
One idea being floated is to 'not redeem the U.S. bonds held by the Chinese government.'
In other words, call it a wash when the U.S. borrows money from the Chinese government. Of course, it doesn't make interest payments.
China has about $1.786 trillion worth of U.S. Treasuries as of January 2020.
Making this debt CALL IT A WASH would be the same as making them pay about $1 trillion in reparations.
Still, it's not enough at all. 
It may seem far-fetched, but I see it as 'probable enough.'
Considering the risk of going to war with China, collecting reparations through bookkeeping operations would be an ingenious, easy, and cheap way to go. 
Or 'freeze the assets that China holds in foreign countries.'
It is no secret that Chinese companies with global operations and senior members of the Chinese Communist Party, including Xi Jinping, are hiding vast amounts of personal assets in the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, and other countries.
Intelligence agencies and tax authorities in the United States and other countries should know a significant portion of the concealed assets.
If countries work together, asset seizure is not impossible. 
However, the above measures are also risky. 
Will China stand by and watch if the U.S. and other countries call it a wash for Chinese debts or move to seize vast amounts of assets?
If reparations in the tens of trillions of dollars are thrust at him, it could shake not only Mr. Xi's fate but also the ruling Chinese Communist Party.
Before that happens, the chances of China striking out at war in DESPERATELY would be far from zero.
This article continues.
