文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

And it is not clear how he selected as a special rapporteur for Japan.

2019年08月03日 17時13分39秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of Mr. Jason Morgan and Mr. Michael Yon's efforts.
That published in the monthly Sound Argument magazine, which was released yesterday, entitled 'Special reporter Mr. Kaya supported by the left-wing scholar.'
This month's monthly magazine, Sound Argument, demonstrates that if you subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun, etc. and watch NHK, you don't know what the truth is.
All Japanese people must now bring 900 yen to the nearest bookstore and go for a subscription.
Is it proper to be anonymous?
We have been looking at Kaya since the report came out in 2017.
A person who does not know Japan but he has suddenly appeared on the international stage of Japanese bashing.
And it is not clear how he selected as a special rapporteur for Japan.
Kaya's title is 'Clinical Professor, University of California, Irvine.'
The clinical professor is at the bottom of the career stages of the US Department of Law.
We have a doubt why the United Nations may not have chosen more persons of a remarkable high career as academically.
However, it may be possible to say that Mr. Kaya 's namelessness was useful.
Because Mr. Kaya didn't create a report alone and cooperated with the network of Japanese bashing and accomplished 'mission.'
Mr. Kaya who can work without being so conspicuous may have suited.
In that Mr. Kaya came to an anti-Japanese flag on the stage of the United Nations, you may say that it is related to some person deeply.
It surfaced in our investigation that Professor Alexis Dudden of a Connecticut state university who is notorious in the Japanese criticism and Mr.Kaya had a thick pipe.
Ms. Dudden and Jordan Sand of Georgetown University, he is the person who took the lead in the movement that asks Japanese Government for full apology by a comfort woman problem at the trigger of things and so on which comfort woman's ' compulsion taking' and '200,000 sexual slaves' described in the world's history textbook of a high school that McGraw-Hill, the primary education publisher in the United States ( headquartered in New York ) published in 2014 *of*.
They took the lead in a signature by a scholar in the U.S. and others, too.
Ms. Dudden takes the platform together with Mr. Kaya after returning from Japan.
Kaya visited Japan in April 2016 to prepare the UN Report, to the State of Kalifolia and meeting held at Irvine School where Kaya is affiliated.
We have begun the study because we are deeply concerned about the relationship between the United Nations Special Rapporteur and the most anti - Japanese "political activists" in the United States.
In November 2018, the University of California, Irvine, which employs Kaya, submitted a request for information disclosure using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
An Irvine school made the exchange of the e-mail of Mr. Kaya as much as 75 pages in February this year.
However, the school also acknowledged it, but the published document was only a small part of the FOIA's record.
A university refused an exhibition as a record about the working of Mr. Kaya 's United Nations is not a public-information.
We asked a university, saying which state or Federal agency judged that the United Nations' working wasn't the object of a public-information, but there wasn't an answer.
It seems that the university decided on its own accord.
Although Kaya is a terrific advocate of freedom of speech and press, and when we started Kaya 's investigation, his employer built a wall of silence.
This draft continues.


