文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the history and sociology of this country are a hotbed of lies.

2021年12月22日 09時57分42秒 | 全般

The chapter that I sent out on 8/2019 will be revised and re-sent.
The following is from the monthly report Korean peninsula serialized in the monthly magazine WiLL released on the 26th by Mr. Nishioka Tsutomu, one of the world's leading Korean peninsula experts.
The title of this issue is why Koreans are lying
It is a must-read article for people of the world and Japanese people.
Preamble omitted.
Korean university is a lie manufacturing plant.
On the other hand, good-thinking scholars are fighting hard in a speech in Korea. 
I am writing this manuscript in Seoul, Korea.
Professor Lee Young-hoon, a representative of sensible scholars who criticize Korea's anti-Japanese introduced in the previous issue head-on, has published a book titled 'The Source of Anti-Japanese Tribalism, the Source of the Korean Crisis,' 
That is because the press conference was held on July 17.
In the book, Professor Lee explained why he uses the unfamiliar term 'anti-Japanese racialism' instead of' anti-Japanese nationalism.'
'Korean nationalism is classified as rising nationalism in the West. Korean nationalism has no category of free and independent individuals. 
So, it is somewhat correct that race is.
On top of that, Korean history is a hotbed of lies.
And because of such education, Koreans criticize themselves as if they were to lie exclusively as follows.
'When the people of this country routinely make a lie, and the politicians of this country use a lie as a means of political dispute, there is the most significant responsibility in the country's liar study.
In my view, the history and sociology of this country are a hotbed of lies.
The university in this country is a lie manufacturing plant. 
It is possible to be self-confident when being not a big mistake, even if it says so.
Because it was from about the 1960s, such time already flowed for 60 years.
So, in the 2000s, all the people and politicians came to lie to coolly.'
And he enumerates the lies of Korean history, which is his primary field.
'If you list what kind of lies Korean history studies have made from ancient to modern history, there is no limit.
Lies are rampant in connection with the history of the 20th century when Japan ruled the land.
In this book, I argued, just a few I enumerate.
The text in the textbook that the Governor-General of Korea took 40% of the land in the country through the land surveying project was a random novel. 
The textbook claims it shipped colonial Korean rice to Japan as an ignorant product.
A claim that Japanese imperialism mobilized a Korean during wartime as a worker and worked it very hard as a slave was a baleful fabrication.
The march of the lie reached the height of the Japanese comfort women problem. 
It was a complete lie that it had found neither a single cause nor a case that the police and the police abducted a virgin on the street, took a lady in the laundry, and pulled it to a comfort center.
Criticizing history so far, he thoroughly criticizes the Supreme Court's Wartime Labor Reparations ruling last October, as the lie has spread to the court.'
'The false learning writes the false history and tells it to a young generation, and it is already 60.
The generation brought up with that education has finally reached the Supreme Court, so the judiciary of this country made the trial of lying To do is not so strange.'
This manuscript continues.

