文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

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Dear Google Inc. How long do you intend to leave this scoundrel on the Internet?

2022年10月07日 16時17分19秒 | 全般

Dear Google Inc.
A criminal act of search obstruction has been committed in the following chapter.
The technique is highly malicious: the search robot refers to a completely unrelated chapter, so it will not be able to find this chapter in a search.
The Internet is the most important library in the history of humankind.
You did not invent it.
It was invented by an unselfish person who wished for the development of humankind.
Your company has made enormous profits and become one of the world's largest companies based on those people's benevolence.
How long do you intend to leave this scoundrel on the Internet?
The following is the chapter in question.
Top 10 real-time searches 2022/10/7, 13:41



