文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

We must build a system that will deter the tyranny of the worst fools in history.

2022年10月14日 15時20分46秒 | 全般

Dear Google Inc. 
Yesterday, a villain committed another criminal act of search obstruction in the following chapter.
The technique is highly malicious: the search robot refers to a completely unrelated chapter so that this chapter will not be found in searches.
How long will your company leave such a villain on the Internet, the most extensive library in human history?
To begin with, this kind of misconduct is caused by Google's disclosure of SEO and other methods.
Google must clean up the Internet of such evils.
The following is the relevant chapter.
We must build a system that will deter the tyranny of the worst fools in history.

It was a popular page yesterday,on ameba, 2022/10/14.


