文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It has successfully penetrated the conscientious Japanese mind and emerged as a

2020年08月29日 16時49分20秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The WGIP incorporating the Japanese merit
Such a policy of brainwashing was named the War Guilt Information Program (WGIP). 1: The Japanese name for WGIP, "War Guilt/Information Project," was translated by the author.
Guilt means "to be aware of being guilty of oneself.
The reason why the United States has been so eager to proclaim "We are not to blame, Japan is to blame" is that it must have felt a great deal of guilt about the events that led up to the war, the air raids and the subsequent atomic bombings.
They must also have been quite fearful of Japan's strength and the intensity of its resistance.
In formulating the WGIP, the United States collected Japanese studies papers and commissioned several new scholars to launch a research project on Japanese sentiment and culture.
The contributors were Ruth Benedict, author of Chrysanthemum and the Sword, D. C. Holtom, a Japanese Shintoism scholar, and British social anthropologist Jeffrey Gawler.
Their essays on Japan were powerful and in-depth in their own right, but nowadays, they are somewhat misguided and challenging to understand in some respects.
GHQ made great use of the results of these studies of Japan in formulating the WGIP.
The WGIP very cleverly incorporated merits such as the law-abiding spirit of the Japanese people, the tendency to apologize gracefully, humble reflection, the nature of the atonement, and community relations (focus on friendship and tranquility).
It has successfully penetrated the conscientious Japanese mind and emerged as a spontaneous, masochistic view of history.
However, it thoroughly eliminated traditional sentiments such as "revenge" and "revival of the family" that might lead to patriotism.
It was done to prevent Japan's emergence as a strong power in the world again.
This article continues.

*Any astute observer will recognize that the passages I have emphasized in my article are either the brain structure of NHK's staff, represented by Arima and his team, or NHK's reports' same contents.


