文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If we don't get the governor of Okinawa back as soon as possible, we will be in big trouble.

2023年06月28日 10時08分25秒 | 全般

Hiroshi Yamada, LDP member of the House of Councillors (National Proportional)
I knew it.
Former Governors Onaga and Denny protested against the US but crawled all over China.
It is proof that their support organizations are China's proxies.
If we don't get the governor of Okinawa back as soon as possible, we will be in big trouble.
Quoted tweets
Hiroshi Yamada, LDP member of the House of Councilors (National Proportional)
June 26.
Former Speaker Yohei Kono and others will visit China next week, accompanied by Okinawa Gov. 
From @Sankei_news
When I asked former Okinawa Gov. Onaga, who once accompanied this Japan Council for the Promotion of International Trade delegation to China, if he, as governor of Okinawa, had protested at all against China's illegal provocations in the Senkaku Islands, he replied in astonishment, "The Senkaku issue is a national issue, so as governor, I will not touch it."
Governor Denny Tamaki once again accompanied this group, which is a fan of China as long as it makes money, on its visit to China to help China in its efforts to divide our country by calling Okinawa Ryukyu.


