文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In every way, China is the opposite of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

2021年07月11日 09時37分20秒 | 全般

Yesterday, a friend of mine, one of the best readers in the world, told me that Okoshi has resigned from NHK and will become the main anchor of TV Asahi's "News Station."
It was a mistake for Okoshi to join NHK in the first place.
If he had joined the Asahi Shimbun, he could have shouted, "I respect Kang Sang-jung from the bottom of my heart," "Japanese people forcibly took Koreans away from their homes," and opposed nuclear power plants to his heart's content without receiving any criticism from anyone.
He didn't have to insidiously criticize the Abe cabinet at the dinner table, saying things like, "That cabinet needs to go down immediately.
He could go about his daily business of faking reports to topple the Abe cabinet.

I used to look at the newspaper as soon as I woke up in the morning, but now I hardly ever do that.
I woke up about an hour earlier than I had planned.
Nasa Hataoka was leading the LPGA, and I watched the second half of the LPGA around the 17th hole when I woke up once during WOWOW.
I had a lot of time before Ohtani's game against the Mariners started.
So I decided to read the newspaper.
The following is from the reading section of the Sankei Shimbun.
Close-up of Geidai
by Hiroko Kuniya, Tokyo University of the Arts
Preamble omitted
For example, she says that she is currently working on the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as a journalist because it is an issue that transcends nations and ideologies and is a challenge for all humanity. If this is the case, then it is precisely the faculty members of the University of the Arts, some of today's most prominent expressive artists, who should be asked about this issue.
The second sentence was omitted.
The latter half of the quoted sentence proves that the reviewer is also a total pseudo-moralist.
Hiroko Kuniya may have created the prototype, but Close-Up Gendai was a genuinely terrible program.
Takeda, who took over from her, frequently featured Koichi Nakano, the creator of the SEALDs, and Daisuke Tsuda, who proved his true colors in the Aichi Biennale.
Hiroko Kuniya seems to be a pseudo-moralist to the core.
She is currently working as a journalist on the issue of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
However, I have never heard of her criticizing China, the one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, or Xi Jinping.
In every way, China is the opposite of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
Most of the "SDGs" are pseudo-moralists.
The reason is that none of them have thoroughly criticized Xi Jinping.
It is because none of them has ever criticized Xi Jinping thoroughly or even said the word "criticism.
The Japanese people and the rest of the world need to know that the people who make the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and other such propositions are pseudo-moralists.
No, they should know that all of them are directly or indirectly under the control of China.
The Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music is unlikely to be of any use to the "turntable of civilization" progress if it selects people like Hiroko Kuniya.
This book review exposed the fact that it was initially a group of intense narcissists.



