文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

2016 is another turning point 

2021年09月01日 14時42分11秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
2016 is another turning point 
Here's the next point of view: the U.S. report concludes that "the Wuhan laboratory could genetically transform the new coronavirus without leaving any traces of modification since early 2016. 
In support of that conclusion, the French newspaper Challenge (April 30, 2020) exposes that "Chinese authorities asked French authorities for several dozen pieces of protective clothing needed to work in the P4 laboratory in '16, but the dual-use committee in charge of exporting sensitive equipment rejected their request" and "there was growing concern within the French Defense Ministry that the Chinese Communist Party was trying to conduct military research or open a second P4 laboratory for military means. 
It suggests that 2016 is the "turning point" of the CCP's covert operations.
Incidentally, the previous year, in 2015, a book titled "Non-Specialized Origin of Biological Weapons (also known as Genetic Weapons) against Hostile Nations in Peacetime" (Military Medical Science Press) was published. 
What is puzzling is that it completed the "new lab" in 2015. Still, the inauguration ceremony was held in February 2017 when French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve visited China, and it finally put the P4 laboratory into operation in early January 2018. 
Did it take a long time to procure protective gear for "military research," as described in the French newspaper, or was it a power struggle within the CPC?
Top Three "Key Figures 
The "key figures" appear in the U.S. report, and I would like to discuss the background and questions about the top three of them, namely, Wang Yan Yi, Yuan Zhiming, and Shi Zhengli.
Wang Yanyi
Wang Yanyi, a female researcher, born in 1981, was selected as the director of the Wuhan Institute for Virus Research in the latter half of 2018.
Wang's husband, who is 15 years older than her, is the vice president of the aforementioned "Wuhan University, which gave orders to the virus research institute," and also serves as the director of the Wuhan University Medical Research Institute.
Yuan Zhiming 
Yuan Zhiming (born 1963) is Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Wuhan Institute of Virus Research, and Director of the Wuhan Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
He has long experience in France, having worked at the French Center for International Cooperation in Agricultural Development and Research (CIRAD) and the Pasteur Institute. He spoke as a representative of the Chinese side at the inauguration ceremony in 2017. 
However, in personnel affairs from the latter half of 2018, "Ms. Wang, 37, has been appointed as the director as the boss of Mr. Yuan, 55."
Moreover, it is also known that on January 2, 2020, this Director Wang issued a gag order "not to publish all tests, experimental data, results, and conclusions related to the corona epidemic in self-media or social networking sites, or disclose them to cooperating organizations (including technical service companies), including government media. 
Director Wang has specialized in SARS research and previously studied how the virus attacks the lungs and causes respiratory diseases. Still, she is too young in his 30s for a critical appointment at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the highest research institute for comprehensive high-tech research and natural science in China, and a business unit directly under the State Council.
She is not an "ordinary person with a clear mind," but an "elected official" with a solid political background. 
Some experts say that she was given the position of director because of her husband's prestige. Still, the theory that she is the illegitimate daughter of Vice President Wang Qishan is more plausible.
Shi Zhengli 
Another researcher who attracted worldwide attention as "Batwoman" was Shi Zhengli (b. 1964).
She is the head of the Academic Committee, the Center for the Study of Emerging Infectious Diseases director, and the head of the New Beginning Disease and Poison Department.
She has long had a collegial relationship with Peter Daszak, a Briton who heads the New York-based nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance.
Turning "Hostile to China" 
Vice President Wang Qishan has long been a proxy for the Chinese side of the US-UK DS (Deep State).
In other words, behind the "puppet director" in his 30s, Wang Qishan and the Jiang Zemin faction are visible. 
And the team of researcher Shi Zhengli, the head of China's "task force" for "strengthening the function of the coronavirus," worked with researchers from the U.S. and Britain and left their "traces" in a research paper.
And, as mentioned above, France's suspicion of the CCP grew to the extreme in 2016, which is why deputy director Yuan Shiming was "unable to become the director." 
As a person who has been collecting a great deal of information from around the world since last February, I would like to make an even bolder guess here. 
The dangerous experiment plan of "coronavirus enhancement," which intellectuals condemned, may have been promoted by the US, British, and French DS and some of their limbs, with Wuhan as the final stage. 
On top of that, the CCP researchers have deepened their research beyond imagination. The military has joined in earnest to expand the P4-level testing environment in line with the plan to disperse biological weapons to hostile countries in peacetime, which probably caused the U.S., UK, France, and other Western countries to switch to "opposing view of China." 
"President Xi has become the leader of the "cover-up of the origin of the corona," and the Western countries are fighting an information war that includes the pursuit of the "responsibility for the corona disaster" and the next steps of "compensation claims (seizure of CPC assets)" and the "downfall of the dictator.
This article continues.



