文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

WHO, which acts toward China, conducts an investigation, it cannot be trusted.

2020年05月09日 00時22分05秒 | 全般

The Sankei Shimbun is now the most decent newspaper in Japan as well as in the world.
Today's editorial proved my reputation.
Anyone with a keen eye would have thought to see the video at the press conference that China's spokeswoman Hua Chunying triumphantly told the press last night that it would accept the WHO's investigative team.
It is a well-known fact that the CCP tried to hide the evidence thoroughly.
It accepts the WHO study team, wholly under the control of China.
Said quietly to herself when glad that things have gone as hoped, which was apparent in her look.
It is a country of abysmal evil and plausible lie, and it is no exaggeration to say that there is nothing other than propaganda, because the CCP's dictatorship exposed to the world that it was a shameless aspect that even children would blush. It is there.
However, this column is
Hua Chunying, I thought it was necessary to write that a decent world does not require WHO research teams at all.
It was a great help for me to save that effort.
Today's editorial of the Sankei Shimbun is the 'national treasure' itself defined by Saicho.

In China, accept a probe squad.
The United States of Trump administration increasingly criticizes as a responsibility that led to a pandemic (worldwide epidemic) of the new coronavirus is in China's Xi Jinping administration, seeking the realization of the field survey. ‥
'It's the worst attack that the United States has ever experienced. It's worse than Pearl Harbor and the World Trade Center,' Trump said.
He acknowledged that the spread of infection due to the concealment of information by the Xi administration has resulted in more damage than the attack on Pearl Harbor and the terrorist attacks on the United States.
There are over 70,000 deaths in the United States.
Mr. Trump has also suggested the imposition of sanctions tariffs. ‥
According to a U.S. Department of Homeland Security internal report from a major US media,
According to a U.S. Department of Homeland Security internal report from a major US media, while the Xi administration grasped the danger of the virus in early January, they did not publicize it to the international community intendedly to buy medical supplies in bulk from overseas.
If true, it is a betrayal of the world. ‥
About the theory that the new virus has spread from the Wuhan Virus Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Secretary of State Pompeo and the chairman of the United States Army uniform, Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Millie, urged the Chinese government to accept the investigation to clarify the suspicion while avoiding assertions. 
From the beginning, the Xi administration has rejected foreign investigations in Wuhan City, Hubei Province.
In response to the U.S. government's request this time, he is the complete denial of suspicion to the research institute and does not accept the investigation.
Chinese state media continues to attack Mr. Pompeo as "bad politician" and "lie is a habit." ‥
The Xi administration is proud that its response was "contributed to the world" correctly.
If so, you can accept the investigation into Wuhan, including the research institute. ‥
Each country has questioned the correspondence of the Xi administration, even if it does not name the research institute, and demands information disclosure and investigation. ‥
French President Macron said, "There's something I don't know about the spread of the infection in China."
U.K. Foreign Minister Raab has pointed out the need to pursue China on virus outbreaks and response.
German Chancellor Merkel called on China to ensure transparency, and the Australian government called on China to perform "independent verification." ‥
The question is that I cannot see the face of the Japanese government. ‥
Even if the World Health Organization (WHO), which acts toward China, conducts an investigation, it cannot be trusted.
Voluntary nations concerned about China's uncertainties will have to cooperate and press for an international research team.
The Japanese government should use the courage to join it.
