文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Most of the people of Japan were completely unaware of the facts she revealed,

2024年08月05日 12時58分59秒 | 全般
The following is from Yoshiko Sakurai's regular column on the front page of today's Sankei Shimbun.
This article also proves that she is a national treasure, a supreme national treasure defined by Saicho.
The children that GHQ conceived gave birth to and raised in Japan after the war.
Children who were raised to hate their father, the Japanese nation (government), using their absolute position as victors of the war.
In other words, GHQ gave birth to countless Smerdyakovs in Japan.
At the same time, GHQ granted privileges to Smerdyakovs with roots in Korea. The representative of Smerdyakovs is the Asahi Shimbun.
The government representing Smerdyakov was the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), created by the Asahi Shimbun.

For the first time, this paper reveals to the subscribers of the Sankei Shimbun that Smerdyakovs and his ilk are still trying to inflict significant damage on Japan and bring about the country's downfall with unbelievable stupidity.
Most of the people of Japan were utterly unaware of the facts it revealed, which were the height of folly.
The mass media has intentionally kept this fact hidden from the public.
That is why I have made the latter part of the article, a passage, the title of the Japanese version, and sent it out to the Japanese public.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but for people all over the world.

The Devil's Gaze of the Regulatory Commission
The number of heat stroke deaths has skyrocketed.
In July, for the first time in six years, 123 people died of suspected heat stroke in Tokyo's 23 wards, well over 100.
Of these, over 90% were over the age of 60, and just under 90% died without using air conditioning. 
The Nuclear Regulation Authority, which has strong authority as a committee under Article 3 of the National Government Organization Act, is responsible for confirming the safety of nuclear power generation and making scientific judgments from a neutral and impartial standpoint.
However, Japan's electricity prices are among the world's highest due to the continued abandonment of this responsibility and the absurd blocking of the restart of nuclear power plants.
One of the tragedies of this situation is the sharp increase in heat stroke deaths. 
On August 2, the Regulatory Commission officially concluded that Japan Atomic Power Company's Tsuruga Unit 2 in Fukui Prefecture does not comply with the new regulatory standards.
There were two points of controversy.
(1) Is the fault, named the K fault, located 300 seals north of Unit 2, an active fault?
(2) Does the K fault extend below Unit 2? 
There is an interesting punch picture.
It is a diagram showing the location of the K fault and the reactor building of Unit 2, which Akira Ishiwata of the Regulatory Commission, who is leading the review of Tsuruga Unit 2, used to report to Chairman Shinsuke Yamanaka at the Regulatory Commission on July 31.
In the same document, the red line indicating the K fault disappears in the middle of the diagram, and multiple fracture zones (cracks) run under the Unit 2 reactor building.
Based on the evidence, Mr. Ishiwata has not been able to determine how far the K fault extends.

Tadashi Narabayashi, a Tokyo University of Technology professor who compiled a report on active fault risks and engineering measures for the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, pointed this out. 
The NPP has investigated the age of the active fault by examining the geological fissures in the trenches and the volcanic ash and minerals in the samples taken. It has proved that the K fault is not an active fault because it is old and does not connect to the bottom of the reactor buildings," Narabayashi said.
However, the Regulatory Commission dismissed the report as 'vague and lacking in scientific basis' and 'the possibility that the K fault will move in the future cannot be denied. 
The bedrock directly beneath the Unit 2 building is granite formed around 65 million years ago.
Cracks in the rock have proven that it has not moved in many years and is not connected to the K fault.
The NPP requested an additional investigation to prove further the points the regulatory Commission denied, but the Commission did not respond. 
However, the NRC did not respond and terminated the discussion without any evidence that the K fault was connected to other known fracture zones directly below Unit 2.
It would be an inconvenient truth if additional research proved more clearly and scientifically that the K fault is not active and does not extend below the Unit 2 reactor building. 
Koji Okamoto, a professor at the University of Tokyo specializing in nuclear engineering, dismissed the Regulatory Commission's plot as a "fantasy novel." 

Japan is facing a huge increase in electricity demand, including from AI (artificial intelligence) and data centers.
The question is whether Japan will be able to supply sufficient power and whether it will be able to reduce the globally high electricity prices to a reasonable level.
We must not allow unscientific decisions to prevent the restart of nuclear power plants, impoverish the lives of our citizens, and undermine our nation's industries.
We must not increase the number of people who die because they do not use air conditioning due to soaring electricity prices. 
The primary role of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is to improve the safety of the nuclear industry and enrich people's lives.
In December 2012, then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who regained power, announced a blanket reversal of the DPJ's zero nuclear power policy.
However, former Prime Minister Naoto Kan said, "The DPJ left behind a mechanism that cannot be undone so easily. The symbol of this is the Nuclear Regulation Authority," he said, citing as a specific example the problem of active faults at the Tsuruga No. 2 reactor of the Japan Atomic Power Company (JGN) (Hokkaido Shimbun, April 30, 2013).
The Nuclear Regulation Authority's view of the nuclear industry is hostile and devilish, as it works in line with Kan's plan to prevent nuclear power plants from restarting and to achieve "zero" nuclear power. 
For example, in Europe and the U.S., all inspection records for nuclear power plants are electronic and can be viewed on a computer, but they must be transcribed and submitted on paper in Japan.
The regulatory agency requires nuclear power plant companies to submit 100,000 pages of inspection-related documents, or 150 volumes of 10-centimeter-thick pipe files, which, when stacked together, measure 15 meters, or the equivalent of a five-story building.
Currently, 300 people are working in a rented gymnasium in Rokkasho Village, Aomori Prefecture, to prepare the documents required by the Regulatory Commission. 
The Regulatory Commission inspects the documents prepared in this way, finds typographical errors and omissions, and orders the documents to be redone.
It is sheer madness. 
A team of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has also harshly criticized the Regulatory Commission.
In early 2016, the IAEA released a provisional assessment after a 12-day investigation into the work of the Regulatory Commission.
The first concrete example of improvements to be made at the Commission was that "the Commission should gather more competent and experienced personnel and improve its technical capabilities related to the safety of nuclear fragments through education, training, research, and interdisciplinary cooperation." 
The IAEA's suggestion to "gather competent personnel" embarrasses the Regulatory Commission. 
Currently, the construction of small modular reactors (SMRs) and innovative reactors has begun in the United States and Europe.
Some U.S. universities are installing SMRs and microreactors (tiny reactors) on their campuses.
Plans are underway by a special IAEA team and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in cooperation with universities.
Tadashi Narabayashi, a specially appointed Tokyo Institute of Technology professor, laughed bitterly. 
"The Japanese NRC will probably review SMRs for over ten years," he said. "But they have no knowledge of SMRs, so they won't be able to conduct the review itself. In this way, our country's scientific and technological progress is falling further behind the rest of the world." 
The LDP cannot take action because it is afraid that the Regulatory Commission, which Kan has created to destroy nuclear power plants with intense hostility, is a highly independent three-judge panel.
It is shameful. 
As the IAEA has advised, appoint more competent and experienced people to the Regulatory Commission for the sake of the people and the national interest.
In addition, the dialogue between the Regulatory Commission and politics should be addressed, which is standard in every country.
Ensure a stable energy supply as a foundation for economic security and a safe and prosperous life for the people.

7/30/2024 in Onomichi


