文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Right now, the turntable of civilization is turning in the United States and Japan

2021年05月23日 16時02分21秒 | 全般

I listened to this song on the subway on my way to the Nakanoshima Rose Garden to photograph the last rose of the year with the world's best SONY Bluetooth earphones. I was moved to tears. 
Right now, the turntable of civilization is turning in the United States and Japan.
The turntable of civilization does not turn only with the economy.
It turns to countries that are creating new cultures and civilizations that were previously unknown to humankind.
In other words, a true hegemonic nation.
Xi Jinping is planning nothing more than an evil ambition that results from "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies."
The people and countries that follow him are not decent people or countries at all.
They are people and nations in name only.
However, countless people are as stupid as Ian Bremmer and others who make their living from the media, such as the Nikkei Shimbun, who do not understand this.
1.4 billion people make you a superpower?
It is a communist one-party dictatorship, where people live as submissives in a surveillance society that George Orwell foresaw in 1984.
People who live as followers under the worst dictator in history, Xi Jinping.
Those who think that such people and countries are big countries and Japan is not a big country should stop being humans immediately.
It is no exaggeration to say that they are people who only care about making money.
I'll explain more about this later.
For now, to the genuinely wonderful Reina del Cid and friends, I present today, May 23, 2021, a freshly taken photo.






