文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Can the American people allow such a person to have so much power?

2021年09月01日 09時19分58秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The turntable of civilization turned in Japan more than 30 years ago, partly because the United States sneezed. It means that for the next 170 years, Japan and the U.S. will have to lead the world with the world's best intelligence and freedom.
In the United States, one maniac, Elon Musk, has become a significant force to be reckoned with, and the Japanese media has been terrible in not reporting it.
It is no time for pseudo-moralism and political correctness.
What I want to say about the U.S. will be discussed later.
"I love China."
When it comes to genetic engineering, China comes to mind.
In 2018, China's He Jiankui gave birth to the world's first genetically engineered "genetically engineered baby." 
China's ambition is to overtake the U.S. and become the world's superpower, so the challenge will be to strengthen each Chinese person's physical and mental capabilities to make that happen.
If that happens, Neuralink's technology will be an eye-opener.
We may even be able to scout out Mr. Mask as part of the Thousand Man Plan.
Mr. Musk and China already have a very close relationship.
Twenty percent of Tesla's E.V. sales come from the Chinese market, so it is an essential business principle to have close relationships with your customers.
Unlike the U.S., China is a communist country, and if the top management of China issues an order to buy electric vehicles, the Chinese will start buying E.V.s at once the next day. 
Recently, more than 400 electric car manufacturers have appeared in China, trying to steal Tesla's market share.
To avoid such a situation, Mr. Musk is getting closer to China than ever before. On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party, he said, "The Chinese Communist Party is fabulous. And today, China is out of poverty and has become an economic powerhouse that can overtake the United States. It is because of the teachings of the Communist Party.
When Mr. Musk met Premier Li Keqiang, he said, "I love China very much," to which Premier Li replied, "Then let's give Mr. Musk a permanent residence permit in China.
*Can the American people allow such a person to have so much power?*
Recently, China has also been focusing on space development.
In addition to Neuralink and Tesla, isn't the technology of SpaceX also in danger?
You are very wise.
The Falcon Heavy, a giant rocket owned by SpaceX, is an epoch-making rocket that can be launched many times after maintenance, unlike the conventional "one-off" rockets.
China will be aiming for it, of course.
The Genius of Public Opinion Manipulation
Will the anti-Chinese American people allow Mr. Musk's words and actions?
Mr. Musk is a genius in business, but he is also a genius in manipulating public opinion.
It's easy for him to do business while hiding his pro-China stance.
If I had to sum up Mr. Musk's business strategy in one word, it would be to "make enemies.
First, he makes enemies, and then he fights against those enemies to attract public attention and increase his fan base.
In this way, the number of "mask fans" has increased, and now there are more than 59 million followers on Twitter.
Amazing ...
That's more than 100 times the number of Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's Twitter followers (450,000).
I heard that in the U.S., Mr. Musk is as famous as Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple.
Mr. Musk's enemies are "AI" and "global warming."
As I mentioned, he is fighting against A.I., saying that humans will become slaves to A.I. as A.I. technology advances and that humans should incorporate A.I.'s power and become cyborgs. 
In response to global warming, he proposed moving to Mars with SpaceX rockets if the worldwide environment worsens and becomes uninhabitable while promoting Tesla EVs.
Many people around the world are fascinated by Mr. Musk's words and actions.
The baby's name is XJA-12.
When I saw Mr. Musk's Twitter page, I thought he was good at replying to unknown people.
From the average person's perspective, it's easy to feel familiar with someone above the clouds. It's the same method used by Taro Kono, the minister in charge of vaccines.
Even in China, which has a "Great Firewall" that shuts out information from abroad, the Chinese version of Twitter, Weibo, has 1.8 million followers.
That's how skillful he is in using information and words and how good he is at getting his followers excited. 
There was an incident that seems to symbolize this. In June of this year, the Chinese government issued a recall order for 300,000 Tesla EVs.
Since most of Mr. Musk's assets are Tesla shares, he will drop out of the long list if the recall continues.
Therefore, Mr. Musk made a surprising statement, "I'm going to make it possible to buy and sell Tesla cars with Bitcoin," and erased the recall issue from the minds of investors around the world.
What surprised me was that Mr. Musk gave the baby born last year the name "XJA-12," which I think is too much of a glittering name.
It's not a human name, that's for sure (laughs).
I wonder if it's moral to give your child a strange name to make your fans happy (laughs). 
There is another "Musk intonation" as well.
When he moved the headquarters of Tesla and SpaceX from California to Texas, he announced that he had sold his seven mansions and was now living in a 5 million yen mobile trailer house.
The home of the world's third-richest man is a 5 million yen trailer house?
"It's similar to Richard Branson, Chairman of the Virgin Group, who said, "I used to live in a boat moored in a canal in England.
A rich man like him can't live in a 5 million yen house. 
There is no video of him living there. Then why did he tell such a lie?
Because Mr. Musk had paid almost no taxes despite being the third richest man in the world, and he was being criticized, "Pay your taxes!"
To dispel this, he said, "I will use the money from the sale of my seven mansions to send humans to Mars. I don't have any money," he said, appealing to "I am poor."
He had already figured out how he would be perceived and how his remarks return to his business.
This article continues.

