文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I think that Mr. Mask must have Asperger's syndrome.

2021年09月01日 10時17分55秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
"I'm a socialist.
He is also very good at using politics.  
Under the Bryden administration, it recorded about 200 trillion yen of infrastructure development costs. Still, half of that, 100 trillion yen, was "construction of charging facilities for electric vehicles" and "Electric vehicles for government-owned public cars, fire engines, and postal vehicles, etc." Tesla will benefit from all the policies.
I'm sure Tesla will exhilarate.
Tesla can exert influence on politics because it made an enormous political donation to the Biden campaign during last year's presidential election.
Also, the campaign headquarters of the Biden campaign was run by a person sent by Mr. Musk. He is also a genius at influencing people.
What is the ultimate goal?
His ultimate goal is to become the savior of the world.
"Today's humanity, consumed by money supremacy, only thinks about immediate profit. If this trend continues, the global environment will be torn to shreds and become uninhabitable. But I will consider a hundred years into the future, tackle environmental problems and the threat of A.I. more than anyone else, and move to Mars to create a 'free and equal society."
That is how he boldly states it.  
Isn't he just like a socialist? 
He proudly declares on Twitter, "I am a socialist," right?
However, it's unclear what he means when he calls ordinary socialists "dark-natured and without a sense of humor." 
In the world of animal behavior, "preservation of species" and "prosperity of species" are very similar to socialism.
For some reason, people don't doubt this, but this cannot be true in reality.
Suppose there is an individual like Mr. Mask who has the genetic disposition to preserve the species and the prosperity of the species. In that case, that individual will leave copies of his child genes to prioritize working for the species.
It will inevitably lead to a "gene-leaving war" with the individual with the genetic disposition to focus only on keeping a copy of his genes without thinking about the species.
Therefore, in the history of any organism, no individual remains to act for species conservation or species prosperity.
Individuals have acted only to preserve their genetic copies, and the species has preserved and prospered as a result.
Humans are "entering the world of the devil."
He is a showman, so you shouldn't believe anything he says.
We don't even know if he will go to Mars, and Tesla's electric cars are not environmentally friendly because they produce carbon dioxide in the process of making electricity.
There is a considerable gap between the ideals he holds and the actual results.
It's like "Chūnibyō," the extreme ideology seen in eighth-graders, where they talk about saving humanity and attracting attention.
The origin of Mr. Musk's big mouth is his upbringing.
His parents divorced when he was very young, and he followed his father, who was abusive due to his severe domestic violence.
After that, his father remarried, but he had a sexual relationship with the stepson of the marriage partner and remarried the stepson.
He has had a more harrowing experience than anyone else.
He was bullied because he was short, so he took up karate to beat the bullies.
Mr. Musk's business strategy of "making enemies" may have come from this experience of being bullied.
I think that Mr. Mask must have Asperger's syndrome.
People with Asperger's syndrome are characterized by a lack of social communication, imagination, empathy, and the ability to imagine. Their interests are so limited that they can lose themselves in their field to the point of forgetting to eat or sleep.
Due to their impaired social communication and obsessive nature, people around them tend to treat them as "K.Y." (can't read the air) and weird, and they are easily bullied. 
Famous people in history, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Mr. Bill Gates, Jobs, Charles Darwin, and Yukio Mishima, have Asperger's syndrome.
These are the so-called geniuses.
That's as you can imagine.
It happened after I finished writing my book, "Elon Musk: The Next Target - What is the 'LOB Business'" (Shodensha Shinsho).
He appeared on the popular American T.V. program "Saturday Night Live" and confessed that he has Asperger's Syndrome very recently.
In his childhood, he has influenced by science fiction works such as "Neon Genesis Evangelion," which has a lot to do with "becoming the world's savior."
Nowadays, he believes that he is the most thoughtful person and can only save the world.
We live in an era of 100 years of life, so Mr. Musk, who is 50 years old, will continue to take on challenges and develop various new businesses in the next 50 years. 
What we should be wary of, however, is the possibility that Mr. Musk will be able to control humanity through A.I. by "merging brain and A.I.," which he is experimenting on monkeys and pigs. 
It is truly the world of the devil.
I think it would be fine if the super-rich were to do charity work, but that's not enough, and they may end up controlling humanity.
Responding to Mr. Mask's comments and pressing "Like" will only make him feel good and get him on a roll. 
If he does that, he will get involved in more and more dangerous research.
We need to be aware of Musk's dark side and arm ourselves with theories.
That's right. We don't want to be controlled like pigs or monkeys.




