文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

But I know that the values I acquired in China were fundamentally wrong

2021年12月03日 19時06分55秒 | 全般

The following is from Yang Yi's essay entitled "Akutagawa Prize-winning author denounces China's blackmail" in Hanada, a monthly magazine now on sale.
This article also painfully proves that China is a country of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies.
It is a must-read for the Japanese people and people around the world.
Hanada is full of genuine articles like this one, and it costs only 950 yen (including tax).
Japanese citizens who can read should head to their nearest bookstore for a subscription or get it delivered to their door with a discounted subscription.
I'll let the rest of the world know as best I can.
It is the duty of artists, writers, and scholars to get to the bottom of things.
The emphasis in the text is mine, except for the headline.
Foreign press being used. 
China is also skillfully using the mass media to fight international public opinion.
Foreign media covering the National People's Congress are given special treatment.
When you look at their press credentials, they look like the American Global Daily, which sounds like a foreign media outlet. Still, in fact, they were established overseas by the families and associates of high-ranking Chinese officials.
It registers as a local media outlet with a fancy name and sets up an office.
They create a website on the Internet and post the latest news from China while covering and running comments by local pro-China politicians and scholars on Xi Jinping's recent statements.
The U.S. Global Daily would report, "Famous U.S. politicians and scholars praise Xi Jinping's remarks," and the Chinese domestic media would link to it, saying, "U.S. Global Daily's complete evaluation. This will make the domestic public believe it.
In the same way, in Japan, when the local Japanese language media, which are under the control of the Central Propaganda Department, report that "Prime Minister Kishida makes positive remarks on Japan-China relations," the Chinese domestic media will quote that "the Japanese prime minister is favorable to China.
The Central Propaganda Department has also penetrated deep into the existing mass media in Japan, including newspapers and T.V.
Scholars specializing in China cannot continue their research if relations with the Communist Party deteriorate, so they have no choice but to make pro-China statements.
At every turning point in the relationship between Japan and China, they are interviewed by a highly respected scholar who has made a statement.
The media of various countries that report favorably on China will work together to manipulate information.
There are times when information is intentionally leaked from China.
For example, when Wen Jiabao's family had huge assets overseas, his political opponents provided the foreign media with evidence.
Wen Jiabao was unfazed by this.
On the contrary, the political rivals who provided the information are involved in even bigger corruption than Wen Jiabao, but they are not reported at all.
For example, Xi Jinping's siblings and relatives are running big businesses in Australia and spending vast sums of money in casinos, but the reports quickly disappeared. 
There are many anti-Communist media abroad, such as VOA, Free Asia, Dagyuan, etc. Many exiles abroad are fiercely critical of the Communist Party on social networking sites, such as Guo Wengui. 
After observing them for a long time, I have concluded that many media outlets are ostensibly anti-Communist, but are actually playing a role in disrupting information under the influence of the CCP.
In some cases, the anti-Communist media deliberately lead people in the wrong direction.
For example, the anti-Chinese media in the U.S. reported the testimony of a former Chinese soldier who revealed that Chinese fighter planes have many crashes because they can only produce inferior precision parts.
Two weeks later, the ex-soldier turns out to be a fake, and the reputation of the anti-Chinese media for lying to the public is firmly established.
In the end, I believe that the anti-Communist media is using information disruption to induce public opinion to believe that the reports of the Communist regime are more credible.
Democracy movement organizations, Tibetan and Uyghur organizations that have fled outside China always split up.
Suppose there are collaborators of the Communist Party inside, and they can grab a small amount of money. In that case, those who have a hard time living abroad with different languages and cultures can quickly become spies for a living.
Many Chinese people participated in the Antifa demonstrations that flared up during the BLM movement in the U.S.
With the Chinese embassy backing them, it is no wonder that many of them participate as if they were part-time workers if they are provided with daily allowance and lunch. 
When Huawei Vice-Chairman Meng Wanzhou made her first appearance in a Canadian court, several young Caucasian men and women gathered in front of the court with protest banners and were caught on the news cameras.
It later revealed that they were young actors from an acting school, hired by daily wages.
The men and women interviewed had no idea who Meng Wanzhou was and said they were hired to act.
This article continues.
Ban on reporting on non-state-owned enterprises 
On October 8, 2021, the CPC Central Committee reported a new media regulation.
The Japanese news said that "private companies will not be allowed to enter the news business," but the original Chinese text is actually "non-state-owned enterprises," not private companies.
The Chinese government has announced a draft regulation that will prohibit private companies from entering the news business by the 10th, and "non-state-owned companies" will not be able to enter newspapers, publishing businesses, or T.V. stations.
Internet news will also not be allowed to be run or financed by private companies.
The specific areas of reporting that are prohibited are: "In addition to politics, economics, military affairs, diplomacy, serious social issues, culture, science and technology, hygiene, education, sports, etc., they must not be involved in live coverage of operations or incidents involving politics, public opinion, or values.
In other words, you can't report anything.
Live coverage of incidents is also prohibited.
As a result, the "netizens" (internet influencers) who used to post on Chinese social networking sites and videos have disappeared like a wave and are no longer publishing.
The offices and teams of famous senders vying for the top spot in the follower count have been dissolved.
The clampdown on the press will be even more thorough. 
Just before and around the time of the National Day on October 1, 2009, there was a significant flood in Shanxi province, but the Chinese media did not report it at all.
The clampdown was already in effect, and they did not even report that all the crops at harvest time were underwater.
After five days, the information finally trickled out when the National Day coverage was over.
Before that, on July 17, when there was flooding in Henan Province, and more than 300 people were killed, including passengers trapped in the subway, there were people who broadcasted the news on the Internet, and the information went out to the world.
However, the floods in Shanxi province caused more damage than that, but the authorities succeeded in suppressing it, and initially, there was no information at all.
Non-state-owned media companies naturally include foreign media in China.
In the future, news reports from China will no longer carry information that the Communist Party does not like, and it should be the same as in North Korea.
A Tradition Against Humanity 
I kept thinking about why this was happening, and I realized that China has a tradition of anti-humanism.
Lu Xun is famous for his work on this subject, but the anti-humanist tradition is also reflected in modern literature.
In Wang Xiaobo's "The Golden Age" (Bensei Shuppan), in a remote farming village where the brainwashing of the revolution has penetrated, events occur that defy humanity to an absurd degree.
China's culture of corruption and its methods of bribing others to become accomplices, as depicted in Bakugen's "Shukoku" (Iwanami Shoten), can be more easily realized by reading the story than by logic.
The system of governance that creates Chinese people who do not rebel has a long history of enslaving people like cattle.
When I look back on my life, my entire family was sent away, I had no housing, and my sister lost her life.
When I wondered why I was unhappy, I thought, "My mother is from the landowner class, and my parents are both teachers and knowledgeable classes, so I need thought-reform. The cause is my fault from the exploitation class." So I arrived at it and was somehow convinced.
I have woken up that this idea itself was a mistake in the past two years.
For 33 years, from 1987 when I first came to Japan to 2020, I finally realized how strange it was that I had been convinced that it was natural for my family to be persecuted.
As a result of continuous brainwashing, Chinese people give up, saying that it is their own fault that they are suffering and that there is nothing they can do about it.
People under the oppressive rule of the Communist Party will find it impossible to rebel and even harder to break the brainwashing.
I realized that the evil of the Chinese people's acceptance of hardship was the main reason why the Communist regime survived for 70 years, and I decided that I had to speak up.
When you get used to a childhood experience that is too harsh, you accept it as a matter of course.
If I had been in my late teens during the Cultural Revolution, I would have become a Red Guardsman and denounced my parents as an "exploiting class.
So I can understand why the brainwashed Chinese are silent.
There is no medicine for them.
What I feel threatened by is that there are so many Japanese who do not understand this fundamental difference in values and believe in the good intentions of the Chinese.
They may be good people in one-on-one behavior, but it is scary that they cannot even imagine how severe the possibility of conflict is with Chinese values, where Japanese kindness does not apply.
The "String" Around the People's Neck
I am not sure how close I have come to the West's values and ideals of freedom and democracy.
But I know that the values I acquired in China were fundamentally wrong.
That is why I, who had never been a political advocate, turned into a fierce critic of the Chinese Communist Party and the Xi Jinping regime. 
While understanding the thinking of Chinese people who lived in the same era, I accepted the values of freedom and democracy that I learned in Japan and became convinced that the political system of the Chinese Communist Party, which does not treat people as people, should not be allowed to continue any longer.
Thanks to the Western industrialized countries' efforts to get China to join the WTO and develop its economy through massive investment, China has become a powerful country and a monster.
*Yang Yi's point is what I have been thinking about lately and what I have been trying to convey again.*
Part of the blame for this lies with the West and Japan.
The tightening of the Xi Jinping regime will become even tighter.
It has been getting worse since 2016 when Xi Jinping solidified his power base, and nowadays, the "strings" are biting into the people's necks.
The Chinese people have been placed in a survival environment where they have no choice but to live mechanically, and the only input they get is from the People's Daily.
The only input they get is from the People's Daily, and if they try to think of anything else, the strings tighten around their necks, and they die.
If the Xi Jinping regime continues to exist, the strings around the necks of the Chinese will soon be around the necks of the Japanese and Americans.
It is because the foreign press critical of China is under a lot of pressure.
Local embassies will protest and demand corrections and apologies.
In addition, Hollywood movies, which represent American culture, are no longer allowed to be released unless they meet the censorship standards of the CCP propaganda department.
The Communist Party also censors the content of sports figures, fashion, art, cartoons, animation, and games.
Foreign companies are also tightened more and more once they succumb.
Considering China's largest market, they have no choice but to self-regulate.
It will become commonplace for Japanese and American children's manga and games to be censored by China.
The best way to counter propaganda, which the Communist Party is good at, is to explain it easy-to-understand.
The general public will not understand the slogan "Communist Party equals evil" will not be understood by the general public.
Therefore, we need to borrow expressions from modern literature.
I have already mentioned the example of Chinese literature. Still, some of the world's leading writers who have depicted the dark side of the Communist Party include Milan Kundera, born in the Czech Republic, and Agota Kristof of Hungary.
In Japan, perhaps because of the solid leftist bias, not many people read political criticism in their works.
Günter Grass, known for "The Tin Drum," was born and raised in Gdansk, Poland.
Before the war, the city was called the Free City of Danzig, and 96% of its residents were of German descent, a land that rejoiced at Hitler's invasion.
The New Critique of Communism 
At 78, Glass confessed, "I was in the armed S.S. when I was 17.
After the war, he worked for Poland. In December 1970, when Willi Brandt, then Chancellor of West Germany, visited Warsaw, he advised him to kneel in front of the Ghetto Heroes Monument and apologize.
After his confession, however, leftist intellectuals in Poland and Germany slammed him, demonizing him and saying that they were glad they did not shake his hand.
Instead of understanding Glass's heartfelt remorse, they stuck to the same old criticism of "Nazi collaborators.
It is clear that the criticism itself is crucial for the leftist intellectuals, and they do not see the actual content of the confession.
Glass could have taken his secret to his grave and defended the honor of the Nobel laureate in literature, but he confessed.
The leftist intellectuals who waged a babbling condemnation of his heartfelt remorse are only thinking about how to beat the other side with words.
During the Cultural Revolution, landowners were denounced by wearing tricorn hats with the word "exploiting class" written on them.
They also invented other evil-sounding names for their crimes, such as "anti-party ideology" and "malignant intellectuals," and made a thorough noise to criticize and denounce them.
Labeling and denying a person's existence is a method that the Communist Party is good at.
When the Cultural Revolution finally ended, the Chinese, including myself, rejoiced that China would be better off.
But now we know that as long as the communist regime continues, China will never be better.
The problem is communism.
I am convinced that as long as the communist regime continues, there will be no real peace in the world.



