文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

There must have been a reason for the instant blockade of a large city

2020年07月30日 15時39分21秒 | 全般

Prof. Kamikubo's point is an extremely thought-provoking editorial from a real researcher, though.
He is discussing immunity as an immunologist.
He said the problem was that Wuhan did not hide the spread of the infection (laughs). It is laughing.
It is a well-known fact that this is not something that can be done with laughter.
His joke inadvertently reveals two things.
If his jokes are exactly the truth, Xi Jinping is a colossal fool enough to helpless. Not only because he was one of the worst dictators in history, but for them in the first place, the disappearance of Wuhan City, which has a population of about 11 million (all dead), is not a big deal.
In other words, the Wuhan blockade, which shook the world, demonstrated that human life was insignificant for CCP.
Xi Jinping is I wonder so much of fools?
There must have been a reason for the instant blockade of a large city with a population of 11 million.
In other words, the Wuhan virus's identity, that they were chemical and biological weapons, is Xi Jinping that is a person that has leaked from the Institute knew.
The reader is aware that I have continued to refer to it as the latter.
Although professor Kamikubo's article is academically correct and brilliant, my editorial on the identity of the Wuhan virus has hit the nail on the head.


