文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

90% of the Japanese people do not want this. Don't say unnecessary things!

2023年06月13日 22時31分44秒 | 全般

Kumiko Takeuchi
90% of the Japanese people do not want this.
Don't say unnecessary things!

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U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel.
The House of Representatives held a historic vote today on the LGBT Understanding and Promotion Act. The public demand for inclusion and equal rights was apparent, and the House of Representatives listened and took action. Now it is the House of Councillors' turn. Let's aim for the goal of passing the bill. twitter.com/USAmbJapan/sta..

Kohyu Nishimura
What are you talking about, this U.S. Ambassador?
You are invoking continuous interference in domestic affairs as Obama's messenger.
He is more than Mondale to stir up so much anti-US sentiment.
The CSIS report under the Trump administration pointed out that Komeito is cancer in Japan.
I would say, "Are you stupid?

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U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel.
Representative Yamaguchi and Komeito, as the ruling coalition, provide essential governance from national security to promoting human rights for all.
It is leadership that creates change.
Thanks to Representative Yamaguchi's leadership, the first-ever bill to promote LGBT understanding is expected to pass the Diet this week. 

Minamoto Gene
Criticisms boil over U.S. Ambassador Emanuel's blatant interference in domestic affairs.

