文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It takes 74 years after the war, but we take off the yoke of the WGIP

2019年07月22日 15時54分09秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Japan was in the longest deflation in developed country history until Prime Minister Abe launched the second Abe administration.
This deflation-making 20 years of Japan's lost, stopping the progress of the turntable of civilization that was turning to Japan as a god's providence, created the dangerous and unstable world of today,
It is no exaggeration to say that it is Atsushi Yamada who was a reporter of the Asahi Shimbun Economic Department.
Why did the mere Asahi Shimbun reporter do that?
If you had my readers among you guys, as we all know, until August, five years ago, the Asahi Shimbun dominated Japan.
These facts can be understood immediately by referring to my chapters.
What became apparent to August under five years ago is that this newspaper company has continued to give to China.
And the Korean peninsula, which is an ancient despotic state, with a masochistic view of history and anti-Japanese thought.
It is a newspaper that has made the most significant contributions to China.
China is the Communist Party's dictatorships and one of the worst human rights repressor nation in human history.
And the Korean peninsula, an ancient despotic state,
Both China and Korea are totalitarian states that continue anti-Japanese education Nazism.
Korea has been in post-74 years since Syngman Rhee.
China has long since Jiang Zemin started to turn the eyes of the people from the Tiananmen case.
They are only two anti-Japanese nations in the world.
The Asahi Shimbun has become a traitor newspaper that has continued to contribute to them.
And it became clear that it was the fact that it was five years ago in August.
Japan continues to pay China a real sum of over 100 trillion yen of money by blood tax.
By various fabrication coverages of the Asahi Shimbun,
Such as Contest to kill 100 people using a sword, the Nanjing massacre, and abandonment of the poison gas bomb coverage; it ends up by the Asahi.
It is the Asahi Shimbun that have contributed to China's abnormal military buildup.
And it has enhanced the current arrogant China's behavior, and it is NHK that has blindly followed and followed this.
During the Democratic Party administration that Asahi Shimbun made, your seniors could not find a job even after graduating from university.
As a result of the deflationary society created by Atsushi Yamada = 20 years of Japan's loss, more than 10 million young people with an annual income of 2.5 million yen or less who can not get a regular job even after 30 years old.
There is no way they can marry.
The declining birthrate and the aging of the population have spurred.
When advanced countries in Europe and the United States disliked falling like Japanese-style deflation like snakes and signs began to appear, they immediately have taken measures.
At that time, the second Abe Cabinet started.
The result after that is what you guys know as a feeling of reality.
The House of Councilors election is a critical one.
In other words, Prime Minister Abe, who is the highest politician after the war, has been betting on life and continue to achieve
Prime Minister Abe is aware that Japan is the country in which the turntable of civilization is turning,
Having revived Japan and returned to Japan, which will lead the world in 170 years, along with the United States,
You should know on smartphones and PCs, and you should be feeling of reality.
This election is to give a landslide victory for the Abe administration, a rare political leader and a true patriot who has achieved the right job to do by betting his life.
Opposition politicians, who have been absent from deliberation on parliament for 18 consecutive days, while earning a super-high salary of over 45 million yen per year with the people's blood tax,
An opposition party who travels to the United Nations to disparage Japan with people who are making a living by anti-Japanese activities.
And they are diminishing Japan's power, honor, and credibility.
It is no exaggeration to say that it is no longer a group of traitors, such as the opposition parties such as CDP,
It is an election that must deal with a devastating blow upon them.
I do not know if I will be in time for it; in this way; it is only today to talk to you.
Young people, you all have to go to the polling place.
What is the election?
It is for the sakers of the Asahi Shimbun etc. and NHK etc. to never dominate Japan again.
It is to urge them to leave.
Of course, in that case, repay for the massive astronomical loss that Japan suffered from their fabrication coverage,
The constitution that GHQ has given Japan to make Japan a Carthage,
It is not an exaggeration to say that it was not only to put Japan permanently as a weak country but to finally end up to destroy it.
Revising the current stupid constitution,

It takes 74 years after the war, but we take off the yoke of the WGIP (War Guilt Information Program) of the GHQ.
In other words, leaving the Asahi Shimbun and the people who have been in tune with it,
It is an election to eliminate the elements of the communist party from NHK and the elements of Chongryon and make it a real Japanese-owned broadcast.
It is an election for which we will not forgive their bad habits anymore.
For the Communist Party etc., the Asahi Shimbun has always said that we can learn from Germany, etc.
In Germany, after the war, the Communist Party is banned by the law not to benefit the state = it is outlawed.
This manuscript continues.
