文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

because a lie is said to the women by their mother, they don't notice that they were sold.

2019年03月31日 15時34分01秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Righteous young people
The idea of “Anti-Japanese” for Korean young people today is honestly “Does not matter”.
Everyone loves subculture, including Japanese animation, and of course food culture is also interesting.
Many people go to Osaka, including Shibuya and Harajuku.
So I even feel that there are more pro-Japanese groups.
However, the voices of young people in Korea do not attract attention in Japan or Korea. Only the voices of some left wing forces in their 40s and 60s are taken up. Moreover, their voices are also reported in Japan as if they were the opinion of the Korean people as a whole.
There is no such sad thing.
The move that takes place in Korea involves money, so to speak.
Especially the drafting worker problem this time.
In fact, about 1,000 people's remains, which are considered to be former drafting workers in Korea, are now said to be buried in Busan's Munhyeongdong where there was an underground torpedo base, "Why was Moon Jae-in hiding this?" , the voice that seeks the research excitation is big.
Furthermore, in December last year, 1,100 former drafting workers filed a lawsuit against the Korean government as "the Korean government should compensate" based on Japan's economic aid in the Japan-Korea claim agreement (1965).
In Japan, it is often said that "the truth is finally revealed", and it may be true.
However, now the family and bereaved are claiming compensation on behalf of the person, so they just want compensation.
I think that no one thinks "I want to clarify the truth".
The same goes for the comfort women.
Certainly, there were women who became comfort women by their own will.
However, most of them are women who were deceived by their mother and sold to Korean brokers.
Of course, because a lie is said to the women by their mother, they don't notice that they were sold.
"I can find a job somewhere" she will be happy with it, and there is a comfort station ahead.
No matter how much work they do, the money goes to the mother, so they can not get even a penny.
Then, they do not know that they are being deceived by their mothers or sold to their brothers, so they think 'forced by the Japanese army to be sex slaves', and they are seeking compensation.
In Korea, fair arguments like as “If we have the money to make a comfort woman statue, we should compensate more for comfort women,” we can hear a lot from the twentys and thirties.
There are many voices on the net saying, "It's really too shameful" against the radar radiation incident.
Now that we are moving towards "Communist and Unification" with North Korea, we can often hear rumors that "Isn't President Moon Jae-in North Korean spying?"
Such "cold opinion" against the government is also firmly present in Korea as the voice of young people.
While the Moon administration also claims "future-oriented", there is no intention to stop the "anti-Japanese play" attached to the past, which is the Korean government's specialty.
Young people are disgusted for such contradictions.
There are even voices on the internet saying, "This country is over" and "The crisis so far is the first".
Many people must be thinking, "If you have time to play anti-Japanese, you should rebuild the Korean economy."
This manuscript continues.
