文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Elon Musk would be a man out of line just by the following statement.

2021年09月01日 17時47分42秒 | 全般

Elon Musk would be a man out of line just by the following statement.
On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party, he said, "The Chinese Communist Party is fabulous. And today, China is out of poverty and has become an economic powerhouse that can overtake the United States. It is because of the teachings of the Communist Party.
When Mr. Musk met Premier Li Keqiang, he said, "I love China very much," to which Premier Li replied, "Then let's give Mr. Musk a permanent residence permit in China.
In a special interview with Ms. Kumiko Takeuchi and Mr. Kazuyuki Hamada published in the monthly magazine WiLL, the following statement alone is enough to make me think that Elon Musk is out of line.
I had never heard of this man before, and while I was translating the text into English, this song by George Harrison kept coming to my mind.

George Harrison - Beware Of Darkness


