文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Every Japanese who is a decent brain owner who read this saw not only being truly disgusted,

2017年02月13日 23時14分49秒 | 日記

February 12, the editorial of Sako Hirotoshi, the political chief of the Asahi Shimbun, was posted on 7 pages of the Asahi Newspaper.

Every Japanese who is a decent brain owner who read this saw not only being truly disgusted, it even remembered anger.

It is abnormal from an export, it is abnormal. The hostility towards Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is an open editorial, and how distorted their brains are, it did not notice it at all, and it is the way of saying things as if the god is omniscient.

Originally, in August three years ago, the political chief of a newspaper company that should have been discontinued officially acknowledged that comfort women's coverage and Fukushima nuclear coverage were falsehoods, it was also repeated many times As I mentioned, people who are not the best players in Japan,

Now, if there is no US in the world, it is not an exaggeration to say that the world is in a state of fascination in the darkness, and the earth and mankind are extinguished, In the United States as a true leader of the world, for the President Because elected over two years, their distorted brains are doing a terrible decision.

Emphasis in the sentence is me.

Even in an alliance, for US President Trump he trying to penetrate the US first, the evaluation criteria of the US-Japan relationship lies exclusively in contributing to the US economy.

The world's attention gathers for the first time in intimacy with Shinji Abe who is visiting the United States, it has impressed the appearance of isolation from the US-Japan relationship that has also contributed to multilateral cooperation.

With Mr. Trump who became a threat to the universal value such as freedom and human rights and the world order, will Abe keeps a distance or get closer?

The prime minister has bet on the latter.


The severity of the brains of the Asahi Shimbun editorial boards should be amazed by the world.

In fact, third-rate humans have decided and overlooking the President of the country who is the world leader with their distorted thought, false moralism and false socialism.

This man, no different from Ozaki Hotsumi.

On the contrary, in this man's brain, Shinzo Abe is a recently unlikely politician, even the best realist and even democratic will not know at all.

Anyway, besides being terrible, this childishness, this malignity is extremely dangerous not only for Japan but also for the world.

These fellows made minister find fault with, attack and weaken the regime, to the extent that they have tried as far as possible of the fabrication coverage and dwarfed Japan,

Japanese citizens and people all over the world have to realize.

Yama will welcome you with the greatest torture in hell in the depth of your sins.

2017年02月13日 22時05分18秒 | 日記

The following is a thesis published in the monthly magazine WiLL March. People from all over the world will know the correctness of what I mentioned as Korea is actually a country of Nazism. People all over the world will know the correctness of what I indicated as Korea is actually a country of Nazism. Especially the so-called intellectuals in the world who have been in tune with them, with Alexis Dudden, Carol Gluck, Mindy Cotler and Mike Honda in the USA, are their ignorance and arrogance, You have to know how much you you have worked Rudely against Japan and Japanese citizens. Yama will welcome you with the greatest torture in hell in the depth of your sins.

Matsuki Kunitoshi, director of Korea Modern History Institute

Establishing a comfort woman in Busan is the first step in the destruction of the Republic of Korea!

Finally, South Korea has done.

They set up a comfort woman in front of the Japanese Consulate General in Busan.

Moreover, it is on the sidewalk at a close distance.

The Busan City Higashi-ku allowed the establishment of a structure that would insult the Japanese as much as possible, breaking the Vienna treaty that guarantees the "dignity and well-being" of foreign diplomatic missions, and the Korean government tolerated it.

Japan and Korea agreement etc. which confirmed the final and irreversible solution of comfort women's problem between the governments of Japan and South Korea.

Is there a rude and irresponsible country so far?

What is formally settled between the governments is a country that is overturned by the national sentiment at that time, there is no way it can get along with it.

It would be natural for the Japanese government to return the Korean ambassadors and others back home.

By giving priority to the "emotions" of their citizens rather than international treaties and agreements with other countries, Korea clearly crossed the line that should not be overcome as a modern state.

"Anti-Japanese feelings" runaway, inviting international isolation, now they are about to destroy the country.

However, the Korean government is not yet aware of it, and the people who burn with "Japanese hatred" will not notice the crisis of the imminent "reddening unification".

This draft continues

As they have created such a story, Japan's governance must be "harsh colonial rule" anyhow

2017年02月13日 21時46分52秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Anti-Japanese emotions planted after the war

So, what is "anti-Japanese emotion" that made Koreans blind so far?

I lived in Seoul for four years since 1980, but those at the time it remembered Japan's era of Japan well, and it personally thanked that "Japan has helped modernize Korea" it was.

Most of them were "hidden pro-Japan people" to evaluate Japanese rule.

In fact, South Korea's anti-Japanese emotions are thoroughly planted in the people after the war in order for the Korean government to justify the foundation of the "Republic of Korea", and it is "grand unjustified resentment based on misunderstanding".

Originally, if it is independent from Japan, it is natural that Joseon signed a merger treaty with Japan to resurrect.

However, Syngman Rhee, who held power after independence, became president himself and founded the "Republic of Korea".

This is "rebellion" against the court, suspecting the legitimacy of the foundation.

Another thing, the diplomatic relations with Japan after the end of the war broke, the Korean economy collapsed, people's lives fell to the bottom.

The feeling that "the life in the Japanese occupation era was much better" was swirling in the minds of the people.

So the government distorted and fabricated the history as follows, securing the legitimacy of the foundation and strengthening the foundation of the administration.

Joseon was destroyed by Japan. The Korean Peninsula will be subject to harsh colonial rule by Japan. Korean volunteers have made Shanghai government in exile "Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea". When the Second World War broke out, Korean Liberation Army, an army of the "Republic of Korea Republic" fought as a member of the Allied Powers, contributed to release from Japan's colonial rule. The "Republic of Korea government" took over the "Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea".

As they have created such a story, Japan's governance must be "harsh colonial rule" anyhow.

The more it is Japan's "cruelty" the more convenient the founding state validity becomes.

Therefore, while thoroughly suppressing the speech that positively appreciates Japanese governance, they have made up a number of "barbarism in Japan" and started intense anti-Japanese education for children.

Korean people’s anti - Japanese feelings, which were deeply impressed by the lie, became self - addicted by "fanatical" as generations knowing the Japanese rule era decreased.

Looking at the actual history, the Japanese rule is not "colonial rule" but the same "consolidation of states" as the integration of England and Scotland is right.

Japan has enormous taxes for modernization of the Korean Peninsula, and private companies are making huge investments.

It is natural for Korea to be thankful for grudge.

This draft continues.

If the Asahi Shimbun was a decent newspaper publisher, it had to remove him from the

2017年02月13日 12時04分50秒 | 日記

Korean Council for Women Motivated by Military Sexual Slavery Imposed by Japan, being a North Korean descent organization is an evident fact.

In the first place, it is strange that a reporter of the Asahi Shimbun marries a daughter of a representative of such an organization itself, such a thing has passed away to my mind.

As mentioned above, Oe Kenzaburo once admired North Korea along with the Asahi Shimbun as if it were The Peach Blossom Spring of this world.

I think about Oe Kenzaburo now, like this. He never lived in the real industry. As it were, he is a human being who grew up in the library. It will be a representative of a human being who will show off the knowledge gained there so that he will be more than happy.

For a long time I was a subscriber to the Asahi Shimbun, so I was reading him frequently on the Asahi newspaper.

A typical article is a serial article in the form of correspondence with the so-called intellectuals he is called a landlord in each field.

I remember the article with Edward Wadie Said in the last memory.

I used to feel unfounded respect in the past (since I was a subscriber to the Asahi Shimbun) now I think like this. He is a man who was to chuckle with delight by showing off that he is a human being who can speak equally with so-called intellectuals who are called landlords in the world.

Compared to the other man who is plagiarizing a real female writer in the US, I admit only that his thought ability is much higher.

Takashi Uemura is greatly influenced by the thought of Oe Kenzaburo and others, for example, thankfully with the daughter of the representative of the organization of the North Korean organization, without any doubt, (with false Moralism's euphoria) willingly I wonder if you got married.

Since such a thing came across my mind, I tried searching for Uemura Takashi on Wikipedia.


Born in Suzaki, Kochi Prefecture on April 28, 1958 (Showa 33). He graduated from Tosa High School, Waseda University School of Political Science and Political Science, and joined the Asahi Shimbun in 1982 (Showa 57). Sendai branch office, Chiba branch ... I thought that Sendai came out as give me a break.

He got married in the Sendai branch office but divorced.

The present wife is a woman who worked at Korean Council for Women Motivated by Military Sexual Slavery Imposed by Japan (Mother is Yang Sun-im of the same association executive), when Uemura who visited Korea to cover the problem of comfort women he is acquainted with her when he is a difficult time finding a comfort woman to become a witness, married in 1991 (Heisei 3).


If the Asahi Shimbun was a decent newspaper publisher, it had to remove him from the military comfort women's coverage at the time mentioned above.

This draft continues.

Précédent Reporter Kyodo Nouvelles ne le sait même pas.

2017年02月13日 10時27分30秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

Le Japon a accepté des réfugiés juifs que n'importe où dans le monde ne pouvait pas entrer.

Il l'a mis dans le continent japonais aussi bien que la Mandchourie et aussi dans la concession japonaise de Changhaï.

Près de 30 000 Juifs sont entrés à Shanghai.

Werner Michael Blumenthal, qui devint plus tard le secrétaire au Trésor de l'Administration Carter en était l'un.

L'Allemagne dépêcha Josef Albert Meisinger, ordonna aux Juifs d'être mis au rebut et de sombrer dans le fleuve Yangtze.

Le Japon le grondait et disait que c'était un personnage réformé.

Mais les Juifs ne différaient pas non plus des Coréens.

La fille d'un musicien Leo Sirota qui a fui au Japon a déclaré que le Japon est un "pays barbare qui a ignoré les droits des femmes".

Blumenthal n'a pas honte du yen fort, pressant le Japon de le faire.

Au printemps, il a visité Shanghai de souvenirs et a dit qu'ici, avec le chinois, il a été témoin de la violence du Japon envahisseur japonais, a déclaré le United Daily News.

C'est juif de l'ingratitude.

Cependant, les Japonais ont 3 millions près des réfugiés silencieusement encore.

Pendant longtemps, le Japon a également soutenu l'aide aux réfugiés en versant plus de contributions que le total des membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, à l'exception des États-Unis.

L'ancien journaliste de Kyodo ne le sait pas non plus.

Précédent Reporter Kyodo Nouvelles ne le sait même pas.

(15 octobre 2015)

Precedente Kyodo News giornalista non sa nemmeno esso.

2017年02月13日 10時26分58秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è la continuazione del capitolo precedente.

Giappone ha accettato rifugiati ebrei che in qualsiasi parte del mondo non potevano entrare.

Si mise in terraferma Giappone, così come la Manciuria e anche in concessione giapponese di Shanghai.

Ci sono quasi 30.000 ebrei che è entrato di Shanghai.

Werner Michael Blumenthal che in seguito divenne il Segretario del Tesoro dell'amministrazione Carter era uno di loro.

Germania inviato Josef Albert Meisinger, ordinò agli ebrei da rottamare e ad affondare nel fiume Yangtze.

Giappone lo rimproverò e ha detto che un personaggio riformato.

Ma gli ebrei non differiscono da coreani sia.

La figlia di un musicista Leo Sirota fuggito in Giappone ha detto che il Giappone è un "paese barbaro che ha ignorato i diritti delle donne".

Blumenthal non si vergognava di yen forte, premendo il Giappone per farlo.

In primavera, ha visitato Shanghai di ricordi e ha detto che qui insieme con il cinese, ha assistito la violenza del Giappone invasore giapponese, ha detto che la United Daily News.

E 'Ebreo dell'ingratitudine.

Tuttavia, i giapponesi hanno 3 milioni di rifugiati vicino in silenzio ancora.

Per lungo tempo il Giappone ha anche sostenuto soccorso ai profughi versando più contributi rispetto al totale dei membri permanenti del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite ad eccezione degli Stati Uniti.

L'ex Kyodo News giornalista non sa su di esso sia.

Precedente Kyodo News giornalista non sa nemmeno esso.

(15 ottobre 2015 numero)

El reportero anterior de Kyodo News no lo sabe.

2017年02月13日 10時26分30秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la continuación del capítulo anterior.

Japón aceptó refugiados judíos que en cualquier parte del mundo no podían entrar.

Lo puso en el continente Japón, así como Manchuria y también en la concesión japonesa de Shanghai.

Hay casi 30.000 judíos que entraron en Shanghai.

Werner Michael Blumenthal, que más tarde se convirtió en el Secretario del Tesoro de la Administración Carter fue uno de ellos.

Alemania despachó a Josef Albert Meisinger, ordenó a los judíos ser desechados y hundirse en el río Yangtze.

Japón le regañó y dijo que un personaje reformado.

Pero los judíos tampoco se diferenciaban de los coreanos.

La hija de un músico Leo Sirota que huyó a Japón dijo que Japón es un "país bárbaro que ignoró los derechos de las mujeres".

Blumenthal no se avergonzaba del yen fuerte, presionando a Japón para que lo hiciera.

En la primavera, visitó Shanghái de recuerdos y dijo que aquí junto con los chinos, fue testigo de la violencia de Japón invasor japonés, dijo el United Daily News.

Es judío de la ingratitud.

Sin embargo, los japoneses tienen todavía 3 millones de refugiados en silencio.

Durante mucho tiempo, Japón también ha respaldado la ayuda a los refugiados mediante el pago de más contribuciones que el total de los miembros permanentes del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, excepto Estados Unidos.

El ex periodista de Kyodo tampoco lo sabe.

El reportero anterior de Kyodo News no lo sabe.

(15 de octubre de 2015)

Zurück Kyodo News Reporter nicht wissen, sogar es.

2017年02月13日 10時26分03秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorigen Kapitels.

Japan akzeptierte jüdische Flüchtlinge, die überall in der Welt nicht eintreten konnten.

Es legte es in das Festland Japan sowie die Mandschurei und auch in Shanghai die japanische Konzession.

Es gibt fast 30.000 Juden, die in Shanghai eingetreten sind.

Werner Michael Blumenthal, der später der Finanzminister der Carterverwaltung wurde, war einer von ihnen.

Deutschland entsandte Josef Albert Meisinger, ließ die Juden verschrotten und in den Jangtse sinken.

Japan schalt ihn und sagt, dass ein reformierter Charakter.

Aber die Juden unterschieden sich auch nicht von den Koreanern.

Die Tochter eines Musikers Leo Sirota, der nach Japan flüchtete, sagte, Japan sei ein "barbarisches Land, das die Rechte der Frauen ignoriere".

Blumenthal schämte sich nicht vor starkem Yen und drängte Japan daran, es zu tun.

Im Frühjahr besuchte er Shanghai von Erinnerungen und sagte, dass hier zusammen mit Chinesen, er erlebt die Gewalt von Japan Eindringling Japaner, sagte der United Daily News.

Es ist Jude der Undankbarkeit.

Allerdings haben die Japaner 3 Millionen nahe Flüchtlinge still still.

Lange Zeit hat Japan auch die Flüchtlingshilfe unterstützt, indem es mehr Beiträge gezahlt hat als die Summe der ständigen Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrats mit Ausnahme der Vereinigten Staaten.

Der ehemalige Kyodo News Reporter weiß es auch nicht.

Zurück Kyodo News Reporter nicht wissen, sogar es.

(15. Oktober 2015)

Anterior repórter Kyodo News não sabe mesmo que.

2017年02月13日 10時25分36秒 | 日記

A seguir está a continuação do capítulo anterior.

O Japão aceitou refugiados judeus que em qualquer lugar do mundo não poderia entrar.

Ele colocou no Japão continental, bem como Manchúria e também na concessão japonesa de Xangai.

Há quase 30 mil judeus que entraram em Xangai.

Werner Michael Blumenthal, que mais tarde se tornou o Secretário do Tesouro da Administração Carter foi um deles.

A Alemanha despachou Josef Albert Meisinger, ordenou que os judeus fossem desmantelados e afundassem no rio Yangtze.

O Japão o repreendeu e disse que um personagem reformado.

Mas os judeus também não diferiam dos coreanos.

A filha de um músico Leo Sirota que fugiu para o Japão disse que o Japão é um "país bárbaro que ignorou os direitos das mulheres".

Blumenthal não estava envergonhado do iene forte, pressionando o Japão a fazê-lo.

Na primavera, ele visitou Xangai de memórias e disse que aqui, juntamente com os chineses, ele testemunhou a violência do Japão invasor japonês, disse o United Daily News.

É judeu da ingratidão.

No entanto, os japoneses têm 3 milhões de refugiados em silêncio ainda.

Durante muito tempo, o Japão também apoiou a ajuda aos refugiados, pagando mais contribuições do que o total dos membros permanentes do Conselho de Segurança da ONU, exceto os Estados Unidos.

O ex-repórter de notícias Kyodo também não sabe.

Anterior repórter Kyodo News não sabe mesmo que.

(15 de outubro de 2015)

上一頁Kyodo News記者甚至不知道。

2017年02月13日 10時25分07秒 | 日記









逃到日本的音樂家Leo Sirota的女兒說,日本是一個“忽視婦女權利的野蠻國家”。







上一頁Kyodo News記者甚至不知道。


上一页Kyodo News记者甚至不知道。

2017年02月13日 10時24分38秒 | 日記









逃到日本的音乐家Leo Sirota的女儿说,日本是一个“忽视妇女权利的野蛮国家”。







上一页Kyodo News记者甚至不知道。


통신 기자는

2017年02月13日 10時24分08秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 계속입니다.

일본은 유대인 피난민들을 받아 들였습니다.

만주뿐만 아니라 일본의 본토에서도 일본의 양보에 사용되었습니다.

상하이에 입국 한 약 30,000 명의 유대인이 있습니다.

나중에 카터 행정부의 재무 장관이 된 베르너 마이클 블루 멘탈 (Werner Michael Blumenthal)도 그 중 하나였다.

독일은 Josef Albert Meisinger를 파견하여 유대인들에게 폐차를 명령하고 양쯔강으로 가라 앉히라고 명령했습니다.

일본은 그를 꾸짖고 개혁 한 성격을 밝혔다.

그러나 유대인들은 한국인 들과는 다르지 않았다.

일본으로 도망친 음악가 레오 시로 타 (Leo Sirota)의 딸은 일본은 "여성의 권리를 무시한 야만적 인 나라"라고 말했다.

블룸 멘탈은 일본이 강요하는 것을 부끄러워하지 않았다.

봄에 그는 추억의 상하이를 방문하여 일본인 침략자 일본인의 폭력을 중국인과 함께 목격했다고 연합 신문은 전했다.

그것은 배은망덕 한 유대인입니다.

그러나 일본인은 아직도 피난민 3 백만명이 조용히있다.

오랫동안 일본은 또한 미국을 제외한 유엔 안전 보장 이사회 상임 이사국 총국들보다 더 많은 기부금을 지불함으로써 난민 구호를지지했다.

이전 교도 통신 기자는 그것에 대해서도 모른다.

이전 교도 통신 기자는 그것조차 모른다.

(2015 년 10 월 15 일)

репортер Kyodo News

2017年02月13日 10時23分37秒 | 日記

Следующее является продолжением предыдущей главе.

Япония приняла еврейских беженцев, которые нигде в мире не могли войти.

Он положил его в материковой части Японии, а также Маньчжурии, а также в японской концессии Шанхая.

Есть около 30 000 евреев, которые вошли в Шанхай.

Вернер Блюменталь, который позже стал секретарем казначейства администрации Картера был одним из них.

Германия направил Мейзингер, приказал евреям быть утилизированы и погружаться в реку Янцзы.

Япония ругал его и сказал, что реформированный характер.

Но евреи не отличались от корейцев либо.

Дочь музыканта Лео Сирота, который бежал в Японию заявил, что Япония является "варварским страной, которая игнорировала права женщин".

Блюменталь не было стыдно за сильной иены, нажав Японию, чтобы сделать это.

Весной он посетил Шанхай воспоминаний и сказал, что здесь вместе с китайским, он стал свидетелем насилия Японии захватчика японцев, сказал United Daily News.

Это еврей неблагодарностью.

Тем не менее, у японцев есть 3 миллиона беженцев рядом молча до сих пор.

Долгое время Япония также резервное копирование по оказанию помощи беженцам, заплатив больше взносов, чем сумма постоянных членов Совета Безопасности ООН, за исключением Соединенных Штатов.

Бывший Kyodo репортер новостей не знает об этом тоже.

Предыдущий репортер Kyodo News не знает даже он.

(15 октября 2015 номер)

Sebelum Kyodo News wartawan tidak tahu walaupun ia.

2017年02月13日 10時23分08秒 | 日記

Berikut adalah kesinambungan daripada bab sebelumnya.

Jepun diterima pelarian Yahudi yang mana-mana sahaja di dunia tidak boleh masuk.

Ia memasukkannya ke dalam tanah besar Jepun serta Manchuria dan juga dalam konsesi Jepun di Shanghai.

Terdapat hampir 30,000 orang Yahudi yang memasuki Shanghai.

Werner Michael Blumenthal yang kemudian menjadi Setiausaha Perbendaharaan Pentadbiran Carter adalah salah seorang daripadanya.

Jerman dihantar Josef Albert Meisinger, mengarahkan orang Yahudi hendak disingkirkan dan tenggelam ke dalam Sungai Yangtze.

Jepun memarahi beliau dan berkata bahawa watak yang diperbaharui.

Akan tetapi orang Yahudi tidak berbeza daripada Korea sama ada.

Anak perempuan seorang ahli muzik Leo Sirota yang melarikan diri ke Jepun berkata Jepun adalah "negara gasar yang mengabaikan hak-hak wanita".

Blumenthal tidak malu yen kuat, menekan Jepun untuk melakukannya.

Pada musim bunga, beliau melawat Shanghai kenangan dan berkata bahawa di sini bersama-sama dengan Cina, beliau menyaksikan keganasan Jepun penceroboh Jepun, berkata United Daily News.

Ia adalah orang Yahudi yang dirempuhnya itu.

Walau bagaimanapun, Jepun mempunyai 3 juta pelarian berhampiran senyap masih.

Untuk masa yang panjang Jepun juga telah disokong bantuan pelarian dengan membayar lebih banyak sumbangan daripada jumlah ahli-ahli tetap Majlis Keselamatan PBB kecuali Amerika Syarikat.

Bekas wartawan berita Kyodo tidak tahu tentang perkara itu.

Sebelum Kyodo News wartawan tidak tahu walaupun ia.

(15 Oktober 2015 nombor)


2017年02月13日 10時22分41秒 | 日記

खालील मागील धडा सुरू आहे.

जपान जगात कुठेही येऊ शकले नाहीत ज्यू निर्वासितांच्या स्वीकारले.

तो शांघाय च्या जपानी सवलत मध्ये मुख्य भूप्रदेश जपान तसेच मांचुरिया आणि ते भांडे ठेवले.

शांघाय प्रविष्ट सुमारे 30,000 यहूदी आहेत.

व्हेर्नर मायकेल Blumenthal नंतर कार्टर प्रशासन ट्रेझरी सेक्रेटरी झाले त्यापैकी एक होता.

जर्मनी जोसेफ अल्बर्ट Meisinger पाठविली यहूदी रद्द करणे आणि यांगत्से नदी जिरणे आदेश दिले.

जपान त्याला रागावली आणि एक सुधारणा वर्ण आहे.

परंतु यहूदी लोकांनी एकतर कोरियाच्या वेगळे नाही.

जपान पळून गेले एक संगीतकार मुलगी लिओ Sirota जपान "महिला अधिकार दुर्लक्ष रानटी देश" आहे.

Blumenthal करायचे ते जपान दाबून, मजबूत येन लाज वाटली नाही.

वसंत ऋतू मध्ये, तो आठवणी शांघाय भेट दिली आणि चीनी येथे एकत्र, तो जपान हल्लेखोर जपानी हिंसा साक्षीदार आहे की, युनायटेड दैनिक बातम्या सांगितले.

तो कृतज्ञतेचा अभाव यहूदी आहे.

तथापि, जपानी शांतपणे अजूनही 3 दशलक्ष जवळ शरणार्थी आहे.

एक वेळ जपान युनायटेड स्टेट्स वगळता संयुक्त राष्ट्र सुरक्षा परिषदेच्या कायम सदस्य एकूण जास्त योगदान देऊन निर्वासित मदत बॅक अप आहे.

माजी Kyodo बातम्या रिपोर्टर एकतर ते माहित नाही.

मागील Kyodo बातम्या रिपोर्टर अगदी माहीत नाही.

(ऑक्टोबर 15, 2015 क्रमांक)