The Effect of Writing

2006-12-10 17:02:31 | 抽象的話題

There are other reasons for learning to write ― less practical, perhaps, but no less meaningful. Writing is one of the best ways for you to discover who you are and what you think. What, exactly, are your views on the appropriate response to terrorism, on abortion, on compulsory drug tests, or the death penalty? Communicating yourself on paper about such subjects ― even if you are to be the only reader, as in a diary or journal ― requires you to probe your mind, reexamine your assumptions, reach into your subconscious to find out what you really think and why. As you write out your thoughts, their appearance on paper often stimulates other ideas that have been vague in your mind. In this process, you may very well change your opinions, and you may even dicide to take action on them. At the least, you will discover what you know, what you think, what you believe, what you feel.

Of course, you can discover much about yourself and your knowledge, understanding, and values in talking about them. But speech is slippery, words disappearing in air. Writing, because it stays right there on the page where you put it, allows you to see your thoughts, grasp them, clarify them, and check and recheck them, working out contradictions, adding qualifications, making distinctions. Only writing enabels you to discover yourself fully and accurately. E.M.Forster the novelist stated it well when he said,“How can I know what I think till I see what I say?”

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Unknown (ギーガ)
2007-12-01 00:33:53
The Effect of Writing (orangepeel)
2007-11-26 21:24:09

