

1月18日トピック 大山古道

2021-01-18 21:07:36 | 英会話トピックス


I'm sorry for taking a long absence.

I was planning to participate but I complentely forgot.

I spent the year end and New year holodays busy.

Finally  back on weekday and  I was just taking break.

I walked the old road of  Daisen mountain end of Oct.  with 17 members of companion.

I  was impressed with Daisen waterfall.

The amount of water was increasing after the rain.

The stairs from the waterfall back to the mountain road were painful.

I walked about 5 hours.

Some time after I got home, I noticed on my blog that I was walking relized same course 10 years ago.

The blog for recording was useful.

I was planning to climb Amagatubu mountain of Tokushima pref. in Jan.

But it was canceled due to covid19.

I hope the epidemic will settle quicly.


epidemic      (病気)流行
due              ~のせいで
participate              参加する
attendance              出席する ←attendの名詞形












10月5日 トピックス 畑の様子と箸蔵街道ウォーキング

2020-10-13 21:30:04 | 英会話トピックス


It is long time I saw you July or  August.

Recently,I was plant seeds of vegitables and seedlinngs.

And I harvest sweet potatoes  and peanuts little by little.

By the way,I walked  Hashikura high way with hiking friends September27.

It  was cloudy and the air was clean.

There were many kinds of Mushrooms.

My friend known well about wherethere it an eat.

And picked can eat Mushrooms.

The cherry blossams of Autumun bloom in the ground of Hashikura temple.

It was  smaller than spring blooming flowers.

Five years ago, I sored knee . So, I coud'nt  jointed climings with friends.

I  can walked 5hours and 23000 steps of mountain road.

I gained confidence in walking for a long time.

I participation plan Daisen road of next month.


始めるのに遅くない。  Better late than never.

みみず         earth  warm

ウグイス        Japanese busy warbler

墓参り         grave

宗           sect