
2016-11-21 07:44:22 | etc
January 9th is a National Holiday popularly known as the Coming of Age Day. This is a special day for young ladies and boys who will be 20 years old in the year when they will be congratulated and they would realize they are already an adult.
It is fast becoming a trend for these young people to have their photographs taken in November to commemorate their coming of age at 20 years old.
My granddaughter is one of them. I took her to a beauty salon to have her hair and make-up done. She dressed up and wore the long sleeve formal kimono assisted by a pro. After this, many pictures of hers were taken at the photo studio and they would make a beautiful album of her pictures. I am sure all of us will take turns looking at these photos.
The kimono she wore was the one my daughter had worn when she was 20 years old. It is a Japanese tradition to pass on the kimono to a younger relative.
It was a nice sunny day. The sun smiles at us for this beautiful memorable day for my granddaughter.
In the evening, my whole family gathered to have a sumptuous dinner full of happiness and thanksgiving.


2 コメント

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Unknown (alohadream)
2016-11-22 21:55:23
Unknown ()
2016-11-23 06:44:49
