
2017-01-02 19:49:53 | etc
New Year has come with mild weather and lovely winter sunlight.
On New Year’s day we had traditional New Year’s food such as zouni and osechi. After the sumptuous meal, my family and I went to the shrine to pray for a blessed year ahead of us. I wish for all my family members’ happiness and a healthy life this year.
At the shrine, you can draw your fortune slip for a price. It foretells your fortune and what lies ahead in the future. When I drew the fortune slip, it said that I will have a very good luck. People who did not have much luck tie the little fortune telling paper on the branch of the tree in the shrine.
I usually don’t believe on this kind of things but I felt so good reading about this good tidings that I had to read it over and over again.
January 3rd is my first day to see Charle for this year, after not seeing him for two days. I found out how vigorous and how happy he is. I am so relieved to see him.


2 コメント

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Unknown (alohadream)
2017-01-03 14:33:25
Unknown ()
2017-01-03 19:02:16
