
2017-02-13 08:56:19 | etc

うまものがたり(Horse Stories et al)

愛馬とのふれあいをつづる【うまものがたり(Horse Stories et al)】

うまものがたり(Horse Stories et al)


 2月より うまものがたり は下記のアドレスに移行しました。
  Horse stories et al has been moved to a new address as follows



adress: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ponymyhome


2017-02-08 14:55:25 | 本・雑誌等
今日の朝日新聞の 折々の言葉 を見て深く頷いてしまいました。


2017-02-06 10:27:43 | シャル君
Its been nearly a month since we had no rain. I was a little worried about all the plants but luckily we had some rain on Sunday.
If there is no rain, the raiding ground becomes very dusty, so staff at the club sprinkle water over it using a machine every morning.
But, the ground Charle roams has no machine. They sprinkle it with water using a long and heavy hose.
It is like a big snake for Charle.
At first he was very much afraid of it and would go away from it but recently, he got used to it.
However, it is a very difficult task for him to step over the hose.
I tried to accustom him to it gradually. Now he could cross over it but he does it very quickly as if he is running away from something very scary.


2017-02-03 10:29:16 | 
February 3rd is a good day for riding because the wind is cool and the sun is shining. Charle and I like this kind of weather very much. Charle has been training to become a dressage horse. He has shown a lot of improvement since the start of his training. He is very sensitive about a rider's balance and posture. If you are not well balanced, he can sense it and will suddenly stop his performance.
In cold weather Christmas rose started to bloom. These flowers are always facing down, so you can't see them well.
In my garden, I don't take care of them so much. But the time comes they always bloom.
I'm thankful to them.