Masaca's Blog 2



2008-01-29 21:25:22 | News Headline
 # 特にシティバンクな方、ご用心を

Webと電話を1つに――米Ribbit、新サービスを発表 - ITmedia News
米新興企業のRibbit、電話をウェブに統合する「Amphibian」サービスを発表:ニュース - CNET Japan
 # これまた面白そうな技術が出てきました

iPhoneの4分の1はハックされている――アナリストが推定 - ITmedia News
 # 1/4は多すぎだな

コンセント充電できるプラグインハイブリッド車、発売後の大幅普及を予測 | ライフ | マイコミジャーナル
 # バッテリーがでかくなればなるほど、ソニーのバッテリーのように発火したら恐ろしい…

文字化けはなぜ起こるか(2) お化けメールは送信側に問題:日経パソコンオンライン
 # 新入社員に新しいPCを使わせたりすると、結構な確率でコードが滅茶苦茶だったりします

Mac Rumors: Early 2008 MacBook Pro Whispers
 # 本当かな?

オーストラリア政府、先住民アボリジニに対し正式謝罪へ 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
 # アボリジニよりもクジラに寛容な国、オーストラリア…

Gmailで絵文字送信 モバイル版が対応 - ITmedia News
 # 着々と携帯進出の地盤を固めるGoogle…

Firebirdに脆弱性、2.1 RC1で修正 - ITmedia News
 # Firebirdな方、ご確認を

 # 日本酒1合でそこまで理性を失うか?

コンピュータ内蔵のスマートペン「Pulse」- 手書き文字と音声を融合 | パソコン | マイコミジャーナル
フォトレポート:コンピュータ内蔵の多機能スマートペン「Pulse」:ニュース - CNET Japan
 # 面白そうだな、これ

ギネス認定世界最大のプールがチリに登場、全長1キロ以上 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
 # でか!…長!

特定保健用食品に認定された「おなか納豆」 - MSN産経ニュース
 # 納豆なんて元々トクホみたいなものじゃないのか?

ベーゴマの“先祖”出土相次ぐ 大阪の蔵屋敷や城下町跡から - MSN産経ニュース
 # へぇ…昔は貝を回していたのか

肥満・飢餓:同時に解決 「TABLE FOR TWO運動」、ダボス会議で世界発信 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
 # これ、会社の食堂でも導入してくれないかしら

上戸彩:超高価ケータイ「ないしょにしてね」 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
 # 1,000万円の携帯を持ち歩くバカいるのか?

愛妻の日:妻への愛を東京・日比谷公園で叫ぶ 1月31日 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
 # んな恥ずかしいことできるかいな

フセイン元大統領、「ビンラーディンは狂信者」と供述 : 国際 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
 # 「米側の意図を見誤った」…つまり、フセインから見てもブッシュは十分にテロリストだったという意味では?

安全装置の審査強化…絶叫マシンや高速エレベーター : 社会 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
 # むしろ今まで死亡事故が起きなかったことの方が不思議…

検視は「病死」、解剖で「脳挫傷」判明…急死の米男性 : 社会 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
 # 初期捜査の正当性を主張することに固執する警察の保身体質は何ら変わりはありません

TVの省エネ基準厳格化、五つ星「乱発」で : 経済ニュース : マネー・経済 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
 # 新基準が浸透してから選ぼうっとジミー・ペイジがエリカ様を激励 - 日刊スポーツ芸能ニュース - 文化・芸能
 # これはジミー・ペイジじゃなくて通訳さんがGJでしょう江戸時代の「官官接待」判明 藩の苦労伝える古文書発見 - 文化・芸能
 # 会計監査の度に同じ心持ちになりますマクドナルドが学位コース提供 若年失業者対策で 英国 - 国際
 # そのうちに「博士(マクドナルド学)」なんてのが現れそうで…豆腐にがり、原価200倍で販売 獣医師「がんを治す」 - 社会
 # 単なるMgCl2がたった180 gで10,500円!?どんな純度やねん…阪南市立病院、4月から入院全面休止 医師大半引き揚げ - 社会
 # 日本の地域医療は本当に崩壊するんじゃないだろうか…北京五輪の水泳会場「水立方」、内部を公開 - スポーツ
 # 崩れないかが心配…

Science News | January 29(2), 2008

2008-01-29 21:07:53 | Science News

  • 母乳がぜんそくの免疫寛容形成に寄与、英研究報告 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
  • Breast milk–mediated transfer of an antigen induces tolerance and protection from allergic asthma.
    Valérie Verhasselt, Valérie Milcent, Julie Cazareth, Akira Kanda, Sébastien Fleury, David Dombrowicz, Nicolas Glaichenhaus, Valérie Julia.
    Nature Medicine, Advance online publication | doi:10.1038/nm1718
    Allergic asthma is a chronic disease characterized by airway obstruction in response to allergen exposure. It results from an inappropriate T helper type 2 response to environmental airborne antigens and affects 300 million individuals. Its prevalence has increased markedly in recent decades, most probably as a result of changes in environmental factors. Exposure to environmental antigens during infancy is crucial to the development of asthma. Epidemiological studies on the relationship between breastfeeding and allergic diseases have reached conflicting results. Here, we have investigated whether the exposure of lactating mice to an airborne allergen affects asthma development in progeny. We found that airborne antigens were efficiently transferred from the mother to the neonate through milk and that tolerance induction did not require the transfer of immunoglobulins. Breastfeeding-induced tolerance relied on the presence of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β during lactation, was mediated by regulatory CD4+ T lymphocytes and depended on TGF-β signaling in T cells. In conclusion, breast milk–mediated transfer of an antigen to the neonate resulted in oral tolerance induction leading to antigen-specific protection from allergic airway disease. This study may pave the way for the design of new strategies to prevent the development of allergic diseases.
     # それってつまり、母乳を飲んでいる間に母親をアレルゲンに曝しておけばいいってこと?

  • 蚊を絶滅させるための「遺伝子組み換え蚊」 | WIRED VISION
  • Late-acting dominant lethal genetic systems and mosquito control.
    Hoang Kim Phuc, Morten H Andreasen, Rosemary S Burton, Céline Vass, Matthew J Epton, Gavin Pape, Guoliang Fu, Kirsty C Condon, Sarah Scaife, Christl A Donnelly, Paul G Coleman, Helen White-Cooper, Luke Alphey.
    BMC Biology 5, 11 | doi:10.1186/1741-7007-5-11
    Reduction or elimination of vector populations will tend to reduce or eliminate transmission of vector-borne diseases. One potential method for environmentally-friendly, species-specific population control is the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). SIT has not been widely used against insect disease vectors such as mosquitoes, in part because of various practical difficulties in rearing, sterilization and distribution. Additionally, vector populations with strong density-dependent effects will tend to be resistant to SIT-based control as the population-reducing effect of induced sterility will tend to be offset by reduced density-dependent mortality.

    We investigated by mathematical modeling the effect of manipulating the stage of development at which death occurs (lethal phase) in an SIT program against a density-dependence-limited insect population. We found late-acting lethality to be considerably more effective than early-acting lethality. No such strains of a vector insect have been described, so as a proof-of-principle we constructed a strain of the principal vector of the dengue and yellow fever viruses, Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti, with the necessary properties of dominant, repressible, highly penetrant, late-acting lethality.

    Conventional SIT induces early-acting (embryonic) lethality, but genetic methods potentially allow the lethal phase to be tailored to the program. For insects with strong density-dependence, we show that lethality after the density-dependent phase would be a considerable improvement over conventional methods. For density-dependent parameters estimated from field data for Aedes aegypti, the critical release ratio for population elimination is modeled to be 27% to 540% greater for early-acting rather than late-acting lethality. Our success in developing a mosquito strain with the key features that the modeling indicated were desirable demonstrates the feasibility of this approach for improved SIT for disease control.
     # テトラサイクリンで致死遺伝子発現を抑制しながら飼育して、野性に帰すとテトラサイクリンがないので致死遺伝子が働くそうな
     # けど、GMOには変わりないので、実用にはかなりの抵抗がありそう…

  • NASAの火星ローバーが撮影した「火星人」の科学的分析結果 - Technobahn
     # とりあえず、人為的に加工してある写真ではないようです

  • 動画:暗黒物質を探す「オルゴール」 | WIRED VISION
     # 「オルゴールにする必然性」とか難しいことを考えてはいけません

  • ワイアードが初公開:合成ゲノムに隠された暗号を解読 | WIRED VISION
     # これは小ネタに使えます

  • 制御不能の米軍事衛星、再突入は「数週間以上」後 - Engadget Japanese
     # 内容再掲…まだしばらく先の話みたいです

  • Swissinfo科学技術・環境ニュース | あなたも患者?慢性痛の治療に新たな光
     # 脊髄のGABA受容体に特異的に働く物質かぁ、難しそうだな

  • Science News | January 29(1), 2008

    2008-01-29 21:07:15 | Science News
  • アリ誘う種子のにおい、化学物質を特定 日本人研究員ら - サイエンス
  • 共生:種子の香りでアリ誘惑…アマゾン着生植物との謎解明 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞) (1/30追加)
  • Seed odor mediates an obligate ant–plant mutualism in Amazonian rainforests.
    Elsa Youngsteadt, Satoshi Nojima, Christopher Häberlein, Stefan Schulz, Coby Schal.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Early Edition | doi:10.1073/pnas.0708643105
    Seed dispersal mutualisms are essential for the survival of diverse plant species and communities worldwide. Among invertebrates, only ants have a major role in seed dispersal, and thousands of plant species produce seeds specialized for ant dispersal in "diffuse" multispecies interactions. An outstanding but poorly understood ant–seed mutualism occurs in the Amazonian rainforest, where arboreal ants collect seeds of several epiphyte species and cultivate them in nutrient-rich nests, forming abundant and conspicuous hanging gardens known as ant-gardens (AGs). AG ants and plants are dominant members of lowland Amazonian ecosystems, and their interaction is both specific and obligate, but the means by which ants locate, recognize, and accept their mutualist seeds while rejecting other seeds is unknown. Here we address the chemical and behavioral basis of the AG interaction. We show that workers of the AG ant Camponotus femoratus are attracted to odorants emanating from seeds of the AG plant Peperomia macrostachya, and that chemical cues also elicit seed-carrying behavior. We identify five compounds from P. macrostachya seeds that, as a blend, attract C. femoratus workers. This report of attractive odorants from ant-dispersed seeds illustrates the intimacy and complexity of the AG mutualism and begins to illuminate the chemical basis of this important and enigmatic interaction.
     # そんな妙な木があるんだ…

  • 時事ドットコム:けんかしない夫婦は死亡率2倍?=米大学が17年間調査
  • Marital Pair Anger-Coping Types May Act as an Entity to Affect Mortality: Preliminary Findings from a Prospective Study (Tecumseh, Michigan, 1971-1988).
    Ernest Harburg, Niko Kaciroti, Lillian Gleiberman, Mara Julius, M. Anthony Schork.
    Journal of Family Communication 8, 44-61 (2008) | DOI: 10.1080/15267430701779485
    The relationship between four anger-coping marital pair types and all-cause mortality was examined with a representative random sample in the community of Tecumseh, Michigan, in a longitudinal analysis (1971-1988) using 192 married pairs. Each spouse (age 35-69) in a married pair was independently classified as an expressive (anger out) or suppressive (anger in) anger-coping type; then four anger-coping pair types were tested for mortality risk, adjusted for major health risk factors. When both spouses were anger suppressors (n = 26 pairs; 13 deaths), death was 2 times more likely than in all Other Types (p < .05); significantly more pairs of "Both Spouses Suppress" occurred where both died than in Other Types. A spouse interaction effect (p = .06) occurred among Both Spouses Suppress Type but not in Other Types.
     # doi未登録らしいので、直リンクはこちら
     # 別に夫婦喧嘩を推奨するわけではありません…イヌも食いませんから

  •細胞で生殖細胞禁止 文科省方針 再検討の余地も - 社会
     # iPS細胞で一つの個体から精子と卵子を作って受精させた場合、インプリントとかはどうなるんだろうか?

  •鳥インフル感染死者、インドネシアで100人に - 国際
     # こうしてヒト間感染能力を養っているのである

  • 絶滅したはずの杉並メダカを発見 元中学校教諭宅 - サイエンス
     # あぁ、前の家の水瓶にできたビオトープはどうなったんだろう

  • 理系高3の数学力、30年前よりアップ : 科学 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
     # だからさぁ、受験対策などというくだらんことばかりに力を入れているから本当に必要な実力がつかないんだって

  • 抗がん剤使って関節リウマチ治療、東京医歯大チームが開発 : 科学 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
  • Successful Treatment of Animal Models of Rheumatoid Arthritis with Small-Molecule Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitors.
    Chiyoko Sekine, Takahiko Sugihara, Sachiko Miyake, Hiroshi Hirai, Mitsuaki Yoshida, Nobuyuki Miyasaka, Hitoshi Kohsaka.
    The Journal of Immunology 180, 1954-1961 (2008) | doi:
    Intraarticular gene transfer of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors to suppress synovial cell cycling has shown efficacy in treating animal models of rheumatoid arthritis. Endogenous CDK inhibitors also modulate immune function via a CDK-independent pathway. Accordingly, systemic administration of small molecules that inhibit CDK may or may not ameliorate arthritis. To address this issue, alvocidib (flavopiridol), known to be tolerated clinically for treating cancers, and a newly synthesized CDK4/6-selective inhibitor were tested for antiarthritic effects. In vitro, they inhibited proliferation of human and mouse synovial fibroblasts without inducing apoptosis. In vivo, treatment of collagen-induced arthritis mice with alvocidib suppressed synovial hyperplasia and joint destruction, whereas serum concentrations of anti-collagen type II (CII) Abs and proliferative responses to CII were maintained. Treatment was effective even when therapeutically administered. Treated mice developed arthritis after termination of treatment. Thus, immune responses to CII were unimpaired. The same treatment ameliorated arthritis induced by K/BxN serum transfer to lymphocyte-deficient mice. Similarly, the CDK4/6-selective inhibitor suppressed collagen-induced arthritis. Both small-molecule CDK inhibitors were effective in treating animal models of rheumatoid arthritis not by suppressing lymphocyte function. Thus, the two small-molecule CDK inhibitors ameliorated arthritis models in a distinctive way, compared with other immunosuppressive drugs.
     # なるほど、増殖抑制という点では類似しているわけか

  • イラク帰還兵から耐性菌、野戦病院で感染・拡大か : 科学 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
     # 戦場はそんなに抗生物質を乱用しているですか

  • 花粉「ひと目で観測」、全国へロボ出動 : 科学 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
     # 花粉かぁ…ところで、出始めているこの咳は花粉か?ハウスダストか?それとも…

  • 医療ナビ:花粉症 近づくスギ花粉の飛散。花粉症の薬の使い方や注意点は。 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
     # 早く行かねば…

  • インフルエンザ:患者数今季最多の4万4567人 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
     # その割には周囲でインフルエンザの話を聞かないな

  • カーボンナノチューブ製ラジオ、米大学が開発 - ITmedia News
  • Radio frequency analog electronics based on carbon nanotube transistors.
    Coskun Kocabas, Hoon-sik Kim, Tony Banks, John A. Rogers, Aaron A. Pesetski, James E. Baumgardner, S. V. Krishnaswamy, Hong Zhang.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Early Edition | doi:10.1073/pnas.0709734105
    The potential to exploit single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) in advanced electronics represents a continuing, major source of interest in these materials. However, scalable integration of SWNTs into circuits is challenging because of difficulties in controlling the geometries, spatial positions, and electronic properties of individual tubes. We have implemented solutions to some of these challenges to yield radio frequency (RF) SWNT analog electronic devices, such as narrow band amplifiers operating in the VHF frequency band with power gains as high as 14 dB. As a demonstration, we fabricated nanotube transistor radios, in which SWNT devices provide all of the key functions, including resonant antennas, fixed RF amplifiers, RF mixers, and audio amplifiers. These results represent important first steps to practical implementation of SWNTs in high-speed analog circuits. Comparison studies indicate certain performance advantages over silicon and capabilities that complement those in existing compound semiconductor technologies.
     # そんなに小さいラジオを作って嬉しいのかって?
     # いや、カーボンナノチューブで機能する電子回路を作ったことが大事なの