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Travs' Friday Update

2018年02月16日 | ★STARRY★

    Hello and Happy Friday EVERYONE     

I am Travis sensei....Wassup 

Did you all have a nice Valentine's day Did you get and give lots of Chocolate

Wow, I gave and GOT lots of nice chocolates/ yummy stuff from quite a few Students

As usual, I will give back white chocolates next month to those who gave to me.

I think I will gain a bit of weight this weekend, as I plan to eat all the yummies given to me. I can't eat them on the weekdays because I'm on a diet. I can't wait to eat themmmmm 

Hey Did you get a lot of snow earlier this week. I DID...WOW 

This is Monday morning from my apartment balcony....can you see my orange bike in the parking below

Have a nice weekend. Hope you have time to love someone who NEEDS love...

Travis sensei 

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