仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

The Northern Lights

2024年05月17日 | ★STARRY★

Once, when I was a kid, I was so fascinated with this different kind of light which is the Northern lights. Seeing Northern lights is one of my dream bucket lists to witness. I think if I see the northern lights will blow my mind and my inner childhood dream will be complete. Sadly, you can`t see northern lights in the Philippines. But here in Japan, I saw it on the news northern lights peaked out in Hokkaido. Fortunately, Northern Lights enthusiasts the other weekend were able to boast "Don't worry. You can see the Northern lights here in Japan!" people in Hokkaido are very lucky to witness the rare appearance of northern lights in Japan. I wish, I was also there in Hokkaido.


Many of us have the ambition to visit Alaska, Canada, or Scandinavian countries to seeat least once in our lifetime, the spectacular Northern Lights. However, realizing this dream is becoming increasingly difficult as the cost of overseas travel is expensive. 

I hope that someday we can see the Northern lights here in Japan.

