仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

Level Up

2024年03月22日 | ★STARRY★

This week is our Speech event before they step up to another level of the new school year. Some of the students had their speech and they did great. We are happy to see student progress. They performed very well, memorized each detail of their speech they were very confident.

Singing their happyokai songs made it extra fun. One of our students Arata 5th grade student gave it all and showed his voice while singing their happyokai song.

Congratulations also to our Junior high school students. They all did a great job. From brainstorming, making the speech, creating PowerPoint, and presenting their speech in front of their classmates and parents.

Congratulations also to all the parents who supported their children for their entire journey in studying English.

Congratulations Starry students. Keep soaring high!



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