仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

Trav's Friday Update

2016年10月07日 | ★STARRY★

Happy Friday to you…. Yahoooo 

Wow, it’s Friday already! Time flies when you are having fun.  

Today I was riding my bicycle to work along Hirose River. I was so surprised to see so many fish. Lots of baby fish too, about 4 centimeters long. I think the birds know this because lots of birds were fishing. It’s so fun to watch birds fish. I love to stop and watch them before I go to work. It’s very relaxing. Lately I see lots of old guys in the river fishing too. I used to go fishing when I lived in Gifu ken. I like Japanese style fishing. I didn’t like fishing when I lived in America but I love fishing in Japan. How about you?

Have a nice weekend everyone ! 

Much love from Travis sensei

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