

発作と共に生きていく / Living with Seizures

2024-05-14 21:07:38 | 日記

2023年 5月9日、心不全で入院した際の事は忘れられません。身体の事はあまり気に留めず、随分と長い年数、無理を重ねていたからで、健康の大切さを身に染みて学んだ日々でした。

I will never forget what happened on May 9th 2023, when I was hospitalized for heart failure. I didn't pay much attention to my body and had been pushing myself too hard for many years, so these were the days when I learned the importance of good health.


心房細動を抑える薬や肺に溜まった水や浮腫を起こして両脚に溜まっていた水分(両脚で 10㎏以上の水)の排出の為の薬、そして、心房の中一杯に大きく育っていた血栓(エコー映像で見ると心房一杯に歯車の様な形になっていました)を溶かす薬まで、最も多い時で、3種類の点滴を電子機器で投与を行ない、心電図と酸素飽和度メーターで監視しながら、点滴量をコントロールしている様子です。


Even after being discharged from the hospital, I am not completely cured, and I still have regular seizures, but I am currently learning how to deal with these ``seizures'' in order to reduce their frequency and duration.



私は、路面清掃をします / I will Cleanup the Road

2024-05-14 11:42:23 | 夢を追いかけて ・・

来る 5月 17日(金)13時から15時、赤穂市の交通公園の路面清掃をします。


On the coming Friday, May 17, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., I will be cleaning the streets of Traffic Park in Ako. Spectators are welcome. However, the event may be canceled without notice due to weather or other circumstances at the facility.

The traffic park is a public facility. We want to keep it in a safe and pleasant condition for many people to use.



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