English Collection



2017年05月25日 | 英語の本を読む

村上龍の 'ALMOST TRANSPARENT BLUE' を読んでいます。 "Ryu, do you remember Meg? You know, the girl who came to us in Kyoto and wanted to play organ in our band? With the big eyes, right, the one who told whopper about her taking off from the arts college," Male said, pulling a cigarette from my shirt pocket and lighting it. Smoke seeped out from the gap in his teeth.
"whopper" と言えばBurger Kingのハンバーガーですね。"whopper" の意味を辞書で見たことはないので、この際確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary:
a. A thing that is extremely or unusually large.: the novel is a 1,079 page whopper
b. A gross or blatant lie.: Research revealed that untruths range from little white lies to huge whoppers aimed purely at personal gain.
・Collins Dictionary: If you describe a lie as a whopper, you mean that it is very far from the truth.: ...the biggest whopper the president told.
・Cambridge English Dictionary:
a. humorous informal something that is surprising because it is so much bigger than the usual size: My nose is pretty big, but my Dad's got a whopper.
b. humorous a big lie: Amanda's told some whoppers in her time.
Burger Kingの "whopper" はとても大きいの意味があるのですね。いずれにせよ私はBig Macよりも "whopper" の方が好きです。
小説に出てきた "whopper" は大ぼらの意味ですね。

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