English Collection


nail parings

2017年05月26日 | 英語の本を読む

The wired bra was embroidered with flowers and smelled of detergent. I tossed it in the closet. The silver negligee was hanging there. I remembered the taste of Jackson's warm come and felt sick. I felt there must be a little bit left somewhere in my mouth; when I ran my tongue around, sometimes the taste seemed to come back. I tossed the nail parings on the veranda. I could see a woman walking a German shepherd in the garden of the hospital.
何でこれが芥川賞? やはり私には文学を理解する能力がないと言うことでしょう。
それよりも、私の関心は "nail parings" です。辞書で意味を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Thin strips that have been pared off from something.: fingernail parings
・Collins Dictionary: Parings are thin pieces that have been cut off things such as a fingernails, fruit, or vegetables.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a thin piece that has been cut away from something: We feed most of our vegetable parings to the guinea pigs.

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