English Collection



2014年02月26日 | 英語学習
A compound found in coral reefs may protect us against damaging UV raysの説明で始まるReader's Digest 1月号の記事の冒頭に今日覚えたい単語がありました。
Slathering on sticky sunscreen is nobody's idea of a day at the beach, but it's worth doing.
"Slathering" は知らない単語ですが、日焼け止めクリームを "Slathering on" となると、「(身体に)塗る」の意味だと容易に推測できますが、辞書で確認します。
・Macmillan Dictionary: to put a lot of a soft thick substance on a surface, or to cover something with such a substance: slather on/over: Onion sauce is slathered over lightly boiled eggs.: slather someone/something with something: She slathered herself with suntan oil.
・Vocabulary.com: spread thickly: “I can't eat bagels without slathering them with cream cheese”
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to spread thickly or lavishly: slathered sunscreen on her skin
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